The irony is strong in this one.
You seem to have not included the software in your attempt to create an AI. Then you also didn't complete the hardware.
Your claim you have figured out a way to create a sentient computer is ridiculous since you didn't figure out anything other than putting 5 CPUs next to each other with no software and no hard connection and no way for them to interface with their environment. A server farm has thousands of CPUs next to each other and they actually talk to each other but they aren't sentient.
Like I said, the TRS-80 surpassed you in intelligence when it comes to designing an AI.
What is the software to DNA when the hardware is a sole reproduction? Chromosomes. DNA is the container of cellular knowledge, chromosomes are the experience of each lifetime(body functions of past ancestry both male and female or asexual means to reproduce a next generation) combined in the new addition. Nucleus of each fertilized cell is the combined combinations of ancestral changes to the point of individual conception. Each lifetime is unique as life never stays same details twice per results arriving next.
Inside out changes, reality is governing outside in to control incoming to predetermined outcomes tomorrow when living never exceeded the moment here. Optics and statistical averaging fact instead of understanding acts of adapting to never same total sum achieved again.
Balancing between extremes expanding details and contracting results of combined molecular content or combined chromosomes between gaseous, liquid, mineral, combined until eroded or chromosomes of plant, animal, predator, prey, asexual, male, female means to sustain next generations of lifetimes never duplicated from compounding conceptions of ever changing populations occupying time now, anywhere here in the universal moment.
Why there never will be parallel universes since this one is perpetually balancing all the intellectual alternate realities invented from the faith anything else is possible that corrupts each great great grandchild educated to believe now isn't eternity.
Bet you can't believe that is how living has always evolved and rather die than accept your ancestry has been fooled for hundreds of generations from within your own family tree, and species?
Guess what fuels love and hate? guess what causes bipolar disorder? Guess what causes 95% mental illnesses? What I just posted.
I leave you with your instinctive free will believe it or not, be honest or corrupted cradle to grave. History recorded what humanity chose corrupted cradle to grave means of controlling tomorrow today. There is a physical absolute when it comes to eternal differences between past and current events.
Time is now to any lifetime universally here native to its own planetary environment as ancestrally positioned here, one at a time.
Self evident results of soles defying their sole purpose for existing forward now. Life goes on until extinction removes the species/ancestral lineage. Extinction event occurs when great great grandchildren aren't added again. Not a question of if, but when.
Humanity has this species on the brink of self destruction pretending nobody knew now is eternity. this simple.