I just got a .44 magnum


Well actually my uncle is moving to South Carolina and he gave it to us for some odd reason.

I've been going around holding it up and snarling like Dirty Harry for comic effect.

BTW I still think I should be in prison for owning one of these.
You mean like on a shooting range?

The .44 magnum shell is fucking scary! I wouldn't do that.

Go to the store and buy some .44 Special ammunition. Ask if they have wadcutters. That will be MUCH less recoil. Go to the range and try hitting a target at 25 yards. If you can do that fairly well, try hitting one at 50 yards. WM, I think you will actually have fun.

Remember, wear hearing and eye protection, squeeze the trigger slowly and keep the gun as steady as possible.


1) The gun is always loaded
2) Never point the gun at anything you don't want to kill or destroy
3) Do not put your finger on the trigger until you are ready to fire
4) Be aware of what is around and behind your target
5) The gun is always loaded
Good rules solitary.

I still dont know any liberal who wants to take the peoples guns away.

I think after having this president many KNOW the people have to be armed to protect us from the government.
Well actually my uncle is moving to South Carolina and he gave it to us for some odd reason.

I've been going around holding it up and snarling like Dirty Harry for comic effect.

BTW I still think I should be in prison for owning one of these.
It isn't a toy. If you want to run around pretending you are Dirty Harry, get a mock gun.
To be fair to Water, i don't think he really did spend the day hunting down a pretend serial killer, with a zodiac fetish, after a morning preventing a pretend armed robbery.
Well, first, it isn't loaded, we don't even know where to get ammunition for it, and second, it's pointed at the ceiling. Everythings a toy.
Get it through your thick skull, guns are always loaded, even when you are sure they aren't. If you think that way, it will save your life.
Get it through your thick skull, guns are always loaded, even when you are sure they aren't. If you think that way, it will save your life.

Get it through your thick skull, you are a dumbass prick + fuck you. I will do what I want and I your retarded advice is unwanted.
I just unblocked it.

And it isn't how I think I made it sound at first.

My dad told me it was a .44 Magnum, and I knew it was the Dirty Harry gun and I thought that it was funny that THAT gun just happened to pop up at our house.

So I tld my brother to get the camera, I pointed it to the ceiling and snarled and took a picture. It's not like I was going around my town waving the fucker around. I'm not stupid. I don't see how it's any worse than just holding it anyway.
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