I just got a .44 magnum

I just unblocked it.

And it isn't how I think I made it sound at first.

My dad told me it was a .44 Magnum, and I knew it was the Dirty Harry gun and I thought that it was funny that THAT gun just happened to pop up at our house.

So I tld my brother to get the camera, I pointed it to the ceiling and snarled and took a picture. It's not like I was going around my town waving the fucker around. I'm not stupid. I don't see how it's any worse than just holding it anyway.
We just worry about you.

You should upload the pic...

I just unblocked it.

And it isn't how I think I made it sound at first.

My dad told me it was a .44 Magnum, and I knew it was the Dirty Harry gun and I thought that it was funny that THAT gun just happened to pop up at our house.

So I tld my brother to get the camera, I pointed it to the ceiling and snarled and took a picture. It's not like I was going around my town waving the fucker around. I'm not stupid. I don't see how it's any worse than just holding it anyway.

WM, don't get all hostile just because we try and teach you how to handle a firearm. You say you have one, so we expect you to treat it properly.

Or we expect you to leave it alone.

Have some fun with the gun. But like a lot of things, you have to observe the safety rules while having fun.
We just worry about you.

You should upload the pic...



WM, don't get all hostile just because we try and teach you how to handle a firearm. You say you have one, so we expect you to treat it properly.

Or we expect you to leave it alone.

Have some fun with the gun. But like a lot of things, you have to observe the safety rules while having fun.

I go postal at a lot of things.

For some reason, Damo's "Get it through your think skull" remark, combined with grind deciding to toast me in another thread, at the same time, set off my emo meter. I cool down pretty quickly though.

Gotta go take my bipolar meds.

(I don't actually have bipolar meds)
I go postal at a lot of things.

For some reason, Damo's "Get it through your think skull" remark, combined with grind deciding to toast me in another thread, at the same time, set off my emo meter. I cool down pretty quickly though.

Gotta go take my bipolar meds.

(I don't actually have bipolar meds)

Relax Water, Damo didn't take it personally.

Although, if you go postal so easily, maybe a gun isn't the best hobby.
Relax Water, Damo didn't take it personally.

Although, if you go postal so easily, maybe a gun isn't the best hobby.


I go postal but only verbally. I've never lashed out at someone physically. When people challenge me to fight, I just sigh and ignore them, and get a little depressed at the inanity of the human condition.

I go postal but only verbally. I've never lashed out at someone physically. When people challenge me to fight, I just sigh and ignore them, and get a little depressed at the inanity of the human condition.

Good way to handle it.
WM, when you go to buy ammunition, ask for .44 Special Cowboy Action ammunition.

This is ammo that is used in the shooting contests and events at Cowboy Action events. They are usually very low in recoil. They have far less power, so they won't be good for anything but target shooting. But its a good way to learn to shoot without learning to flinch.

The .44 magnum is a very versital gun. Its actually a good one to have if you only have one or two guns.
WM, when you go to buy ammunition, ask for .44 Special Cowboy Action ammunition.

This is ammo that is used in the shooting contests and events at Cowboy Action events. They are usually very low in recoil. They have far less power, so they won't be good for anything but target shooting. But its a good way to learn to shoot without learning to flinch.

The .44 magnum is a very versital gun. Its actually a good one to have if you only have one or two guns.

The magnum ammunition has way too much stopping power for most needs, unless you want to go bear hunting. I always thought people just got the magnum to say they had "the most powerful handgun in the world"!
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The magnum ammunition has way too much stopping power for most needs, unless you want to go bear hunting. I always thought people just got the magnum to say they had the most powerful handgun in the world!

I know several people who deer hunt with a .44 magnum. Its not overkill. Especially when you are taking shots at 50 to 100 yards.

I carry a single action .44 when I hog hunt. Its a good backup gun for dangerous game.

Its also excellent for distance target shooting. Some competitions require you knock over a heavy target from 100 meters. The .44 will do it accurately.

There is also lower powered ammo for home defense. I have .44 Special shotshells loaded when I go in the woods. It makes for a good snake gun or defense gun. There have been a few attacks by wild dogs in my area, this will cure that as well.

The .44 can be as tame or as hot as the ammo you buy for it. And there is a huge assortment, especially since it can shoot .44 magnum or .44 special.
Ever heard of the .50 S&W?


THe bullet on the left is a .44 magnum bullet, on the right is the .50. Overkill?

Overkill depends on what you are doing with the gun.

If you take the .50 S&W squirrel hunting, yes its overkill.

But on deer sized game and bigger its not overkill. Most hunters want a one-shot quick kill. Its far more humane. Also, the more power behind the bullet the less drop you have to factor in as longer distances. That generally makes for a better hunting round.

I know the .50 S&W is used by hog hunters because of its power. I don't use my .44 for the hunt because its not powerful enough if I manage to find a big hog. I have a 45-70 rifle for that. But I hunt on the ground for hogs, not from a stand. So I have to be prepared for a charge.

The .50 is also popular in Alaska for protection against bear.
Yeah, I just started shooting today.

Got the old skeet shooter out, shot it with a 20 gauge. When we ran out of 22 ammunition, we got out the 22 rifle, but the magazine was fucked and it didn't work. Then I got out my dad's old 30-30, put the ammunition in, and was absolutely surprised by the huge sound (it was a lot louder than the 20 gauge, but the bullet looked so much smaller!) Then we found a .44 magnum rifle, and some .44 magnum ammunition that we didn't know we had. Shot it. Ears started ringing. Got out the handgun, shot it, even louder, huge amount of recoil. It was pretty fun.
Yeah, I just started shooting today.

Got the old skeet shooter out, shot it with a 20 gauge. When we ran out of 22 ammunition, we got out the 22 rifle, but the magazine was fucked and it didn't work. Then I got out my dad's old 30-30, put the ammunition in, and was absolutely surprised by the huge sound (it was a lot louder than the 20 gauge, but the bullet looked so much smaller!) Then we found a .44 magnum rifle, and some .44 magnum ammunition that we didn't know we had. Shot it. Ears started ringing. Got out the handgun, shot it, even louder, huge amount of recoil. It was pretty fun.

Buy some hearing protection!! You can get earplugs for $1. Or spend a little more for the kind that look like headphones.

the secret to recoil with a handgun is not to try and hold it down. Let the gun jump up.