I just got a 'Economic Impact Payment' check for $1200.


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Is everybody suppose to get one of these?
(underneath it says 'President Donald J. Trump')
Of course you did, lol.

Well, so far, I've just deposited it, ... you know, before somebody changes their mind. :)
So ... is everybody getting one of these things?
I thought it was just suppose to go to Workers that have families to support and have a House Mortgage and a Truck Note?
That is just your first one! You are going to get another just like it!

THAT is hard to believe. (I'll believe it when I see it)

Now, I have a question. A lot of our left wing Quacks support importing Third World Labor into America ... will THEY be getting Checks too???
THAT is hard to believe. (I'll believe it when I see it)

Now, I have a question. A lot of our left wing Quacks support importing Third World Labor into America ... will THEY be getting Checks too???

If they're illegals, nope.
Well, so far, I've just deposited it, ... you know, before somebody changes their mind. :)
So ... is everybody getting one of these things?
I thought it was just suppose to go to Workers that have families to support and have a House Mortgage and a Truck Note?

It's for losers who can't support themselves.
THAT is hard to believe. (I'll believe it when I see it)

Now, I have a question. A lot of our left wing Quacks support importing Third World Labor into America ... will THEY be getting Checks too???

It is not left-wing quacks bringing 3rd world labor into this country. It is corporate farmers bringing produce workers to do the jobs that you aren't willing to do, and the HIgh Tech sector bring engineers and medical doctors in from China, India, and Southeast Asia, to help design the products of the future, heal the sick, that you are not educated to do!

Left-wing quacks have nothing to do with any of that!

So go bark up a tree- or piss up a rope or something!

But don't blame others for things they are not responsible for! That just makes you look foolish like Donald Trump and his Trumptards!
