I just got a 'Economic Impact Payment' check for $1200.

Is everybody suppose to get one of these?
(underneath it says 'President Donald J. Trump')

You need to spend your future generations donations on American made stuff, like beer, chips, salsa to go......

American gas to the beach or park seems ok, buy everyone there a hot dog or corn on the cob oozing w/ that Wisconsin gold, or some churros &/or fries for the vegetarians.. No vegans allowed on the beach..:mad:
It is not left-wing quacks bringing 3rd world labor into this country. It is corporate farmers bringing produce workers to do the jobs that you aren't willing to do, and the HIgh Tech sector bring engineers and medical doctors in from China, India, and Southeast Asia, to help design the products of the future, heal the sick, that you are not educated to do!

Left-wing quacks have nothing to do with any of that!

So go bark up a tree- or piss up a rope or something!

But don't blame others for things they are not responsible for! That just makes you look foolish like Donald Trump and his Trumptards!


Trump has made a spectacle out of building a Wall to keep out 'Cheap Labor'. Somehow, some way, the Democrats have put themselves in a corner as supporting 'Cheap Labor' coming into the US.
Now, I've heard the Party line that the Left-wing loons use ... "Americans won't do that kind of Work". So, YOU mimicking what you Party Bosses have told you to say doesn't surprise me.
Tell me if I'm wrong, YOU and the other PC Fascists support the 'Saudi Plan'. YOU want the US to import Foreign Labor to do all the Construction Work in America because it's cheaper and "Americans don't want to get their hands dirty". Am I right?
Funny how the Left has handed the American Working Class over to the Republicans. But at least you have the Transgenders with the Bathroom issue, that was smart. Keep up the Good Work.
Well Jack if you feel that way send it back. I'm betting you won't that makes you a hypocrite. lol

I have no problem receiving Free Money.
(I'm now thinking of sending a Contribution to Amy McGrath of Kentucky to 'Crush TurtleMan')

"The only way to beat Mitch McConnell is by building a truly grassroots team, one donation at a time. Can you chip in now to give Amy a leg up in this race?"
You need to spend your future generations donations on American made stuff, like beer, chips, salsa to go......

American gas to the beach or park seems ok, buy everyone there a hot dog or corn on the cob oozing w/ that Wisconsin gold, or some churros &/or fries for the vegetarians.. No vegans allowed on the beach..:mad:

Somehow, INFLATION seems like the likely outcome.
(I'd hate to be the NEXT President that has to clean up THIS mess!)
Trump has made a spectacle out of building a Wall to keep out 'Cheap Labor'. Somehow, some way, the Democrats have put themselves in a corner as supporting 'Cheap Labor' coming into the US.
Now, I've heard the Party line that the Left-wing loons use ... "Americans won't do that kind of Work". So, YOU mimicking what you Party Bosses have told you to say doesn't surprise me.
Tell me if I'm wrong, YOU and the other PC Fascists support the 'Saudi Plan'. YOU want the US to import Foreign Labor to do all the Construction Work in America because it's cheaper and "Americans don't want to get their hands dirty". Am I right?
Funny how the Left has handed the American Working Class over to the Republicans. But at least you have the Transgenders with the Bathroom issue, that was smart. Keep up the Good Work.

Dude, I'm sorry, but if you are going to take that tone with me FUCK OFF!
Somehow, INFLATION seems like the likely outcome.
(I'd hate to be the NEXT President that has to clean up THIS mess!)

OyE VaY, what a mess, everything has been gutted, like a casino after a trump bankruptcy......
Is everybody suppose to get one of these?
(underneath it says 'President Donald J. Trump')

:) Dude ... it's a Political Debate Forum.
You might be more interested in the Cat Forum. It's over ------------> that way.

Just because it is a political forum, there is no need to call people names.

It is difficult for me to want to converse or even try to have an intelligent conversation with someone that is insulting, and shows a lack of respect for other's opinions!

Now, if you want to act like Truth Deflector, knock yourself out! But if you do, please ignore my comments OK?