I just got a 'Economic Impact Payment' check for $1200.

Just because it is a political forum, there is no need to call people names.

It is difficult for me to want to converse or even try to have an intelligent conversation with someone that is insulting, and shows a lack of respect for other's opinions!

Now, if you want to act like Truth Deflector, knock yourself out! But if you do, please ignore my comments OK?

Dude. You're acting like a fucking cunt. What's next? You're never going to talk to me again?

Dude. You're acting like a fucking cunt. What's next? You're never going to talk to me again?


ComeOn jack be nice to the new ppl..... Give them a couple months or @ least a 1,000 post before you reveal the monster that lurks below that angelic persona..:rofl2:
Dude. You're acting like a fucking cunt. What's next? You're never going to talk to me again?


I'm leaving that up to you. If you are going to be an ass, the answer is no!

I don't have to deal with assholes! I have standards! You want me to respond to you, be a gentleman, show some restraint and stop the false accusations and insults!

It's called civility! It's called respect! It's called acting like the grown man you are!
Dude, I'm sorry, but if you are going to take that tone with me FUCK OFF!

If you're female you may want to just ignore him now if that bits already bugging you. He's a decent fellow but his knack at odd pornographic rambling and occasional indescribable weirdness often irk the ladies.
ComeOn jack be nice to the new ppl..... Give them a couple months or @ least a 1,000 post before you reveal the monster that lurks below that angelic persona..:rofl2:

Well, to be fair, if they can't handle Jack they should consider maintaining an extensive ignore list. Either that or they'll have to stick to the discussions of the few posters that keep out the riff-raff. My ignore list is like 20 regulars and a shitload of socks.
ComeOn jack be nice to the new ppl..... Give them a couple months or @ least a 1,000 post before you reveal the monster that lurks below that angelic persona..:rofl2:


Bill. He told me to "Fuck Off". Am I just suppose to take that lying down?
Well, to be fair, if they can't handle Jack they should consider maintaining an extensive ignore list. Either that or they'll have to stick to the discussions of the few posters that keep out the riff-raff. My ignore list is like 20 regulars and a shitload of socks.

Yes. But none of them are 'Jack', are they!
I'm leaving that up to you. If you are going to be an ass, the answer is no!

I don't have to deal with assholes! I have standards! You want me to respond to you, be a gentleman, show some restraint and stop the false accusations and insults!

It's called civility! It's called respect! It's called acting like the grown man you are!

Uh look, Lady. If you're looking for 'civility' and 'respect', ... you may have come to the wrong place. (shaking head)

You're weird but you aren't stuck up like so many here that need to be ignored.

CrocMan. I'm going to go ahead and take that as a compliment.
You might want to tell 'Geeko' where she can go find a Fembot support group.
Her and Christie the Rat seem like they should get along FABULOUSLY!
Uh look, Lady. If you're looking for 'civility' and 'respect', ... you may have come to the wrong place. (shaking head)


Hey Jack!

Let's you and I be civil to one another.

It's that easy. I'd never ask you to do something I'm not willing to do myself.

As far as I see, we have no more problems. Wharever came between us is over!

We're good!

If you're female you may want to just ignore him now if that bits already bugging you. He's a decent fellow but his knack at odd pornographic rambling and occasional indescribable weirdness often irk the ladies.

No! No! I'm an old rockin' BUCK!

It's really not a big deal, but I'm trying to be civil, and I really don't have a problem with Jack.

We just needed to step back, catch our breath, and put it aside.

We'll be alright.

And thanks!