I just got lucky

Many people don't want to own guns but it is imperative with the Democrat's open borders to drugs, drug dealers, MS-13 and other criminals.

Our home grown thugs are enough but with what is coming across our borders, thanks to Democrats and sanctuary cities, thanks to Democrats, gun ownership is a given.

what a lie fest post

no wonder you are as dumb as fuck
or get more dogs that are even bigger

I suppose that might work if you don't mind the constant stench of dogshit in your yard, the constant requirement to take them for walks twice a day, the constant expense of feeding them and paying the enormous vet bills required to keep them healthy, then having to repeat the process all over again in about ten years or so when they get too old to function as security or just up and die.

Cheaper and much less work to make it virtually impossible for someone to force their way inside your house to begin with.

Adequate security lighting and wifi surveillance cameras are another great addition.
Oh and if you pick up the dog shit every day you don't have to smell it for very long

I police the yard at least twice a day
I suppose that might work if you don't mind the constant stench of dogshit in your yard, the constant requirement to take them for walks twice a day, the constant expense of feeding them and paying the enormous vet bills required to keep them healthy, then having to repeat the process all over again in about ten years or so when they get too old to function as security or just up and die.

Cheaper and much less work to make it virtually impossible for someone to force their way inside your house to begin with.

Adequate security lighting and wifi surveillance cameras are another great addition.

Or, ... you could move to a 'Safe Area'.
very expensive and cant give you love
Oh and if you pick up the dog shit every day you don't have to smell it for very long

I police the yard at least twice a day

OK, I was talking about your suggestion of owning multiple large security dogs, not one or two smaller pet dogs.

One can still own a nice "doggy-dog" for companionship and love without needing a team of Dobermans or Rottweilers just to keep you safe.

Policing the yard twice a day? Would you fit that in before or after their twice daily walks?

As far as being expensive goes, a couple of large, trained attack dogs aren't exactly cheap either. Especially the astronomical vet bills.

As I said before, reinforced door frames, high impact windows OR security bars over the windows, adequate lighting and surveillance cameras, don't require any additional work, maintenance, cleaning up after or expense after the initial installation and they don't suffer deterioration from old age after ten or twelve years like animals do.
Dog starts barking. Normal, she likes to bark at almost anything. Then she starts barking like I've never heard her bark. And she is barking at the back door. I live in town so pretty sure it wasn't a bear.

I normally ignore her, but her intensity and coming to me made me look.

TWO fucking burglars literally trying to break into my house. I of course go knee jerk and start yelling all sorts of shit, they (thankfully) ran off.

I called the cops.


I believe in the second, but I don't own a gun nor want one. Goddamn, my mother owns a gun. And I don't. Maybe I should. Fuck me. What a night

Even if you owned a gun, what you did was the right response. I always tell people that their guns are last resort; turning on the lights and yelling out that you called the cops will usually send burglars packing. You do not want to shoot anyone if it can be avoided.
Or, ... you could move to a 'Safe Area'.

If you can afford it I suppose.

Of course, most people don't want to pack up everything they own and go through leaving a home they've become comfortable in. Memories, sentimental attachments and all of that.
OK, I was talking about your suggestion of owning multiple large security dogs, not one or two smaller pet dogs.

One can still own a nice "doggy-dog" for companionship and love without needing a team of Dobermans or Rottweilers just to keep you safe.

Policing the yard twice a day? Would you fit that in before or after their twice daily walks?

As far as being expensive goes, a couple of large, trained attack dogs aren't exactly cheap either. Especially the astronomical vet bills.

As I said before, reinforced door frames, high impact windows OR security bars over the windows, adequate lighting and surveillance cameras, don't require any additional work, maintenance, cleaning up after or expense after the initial installation and they don't suffer deterioration from old age after ten or twelve years like animals do.

my dogs are not small

4 ranging from 100lbs to 50lbs

nearly 300lbs of four mouths filled with sharp teeth who all know how to snuggle
Best thing to do is harden your house.

Reinforce your door jambs with steel and get high impact windows installed.

Then keep them locked all the time.

All good points.....and with today's technology one can easily do a wireless alarm system that is also tied to your phone and can monitor all your doors if someone knocks or attempts to get inside.
I would build a wall around your house.
Don’t forget the flood lights.
Buy couple more guard dogs to patrol the grounds.

The burglars will return, be attacked by your dogs and sue the shit out of you.
If you hurt them during the break-in, it is possible you will be arrested and they will sue you for their injuries.

Hopefully they are not minorities. You will make national news, your character smeared and called racist.

In today’s world, sounds like your fucked no matter what you do.

:laugh: :clap:
never ignore your dog, scum.
Stop being a pussy and arm yourself.
I usually recommend a .45 but in your case, a 9 mm would be suitable.

If you do get a shotgun, go with a pump, often just the sound of racking in a round is enough to send the perps running.
never ignore your dog, scum.
Stop being a pussy and arm yourself.
I usually recommend a .45 but in your case, a 9 mm would be suitable.

If you do get a shotgun, go with a pump, often just the sound of racking in a round is enough to send the perps running.

My old pal is 100% correct on this.
If you can afford it I suppose.

Of course, most people don't want to pack up everything they own and go through leaving a home they've become comfortable in. Memories, sentimental attachments and all of that.

That's true. But if you feel 'unsafe', maybe it's time to leave?