I know it isn't Sunday yet

I've never seen Ginni cartooned before. My first thought was that Thomas was having a conversation with Crooked Hillary.

Think about how many stories never have and never will be told about this very subject

The protagonists of those tales didn’t survive

The story of life on Earth includes a large amount of human misery.

Something many of the spoiled rich kids in the USA forget. We actually have it really fucking good in America in comparison.


For one time I wish the Democratic Party would suspend the need to self flail

We are facing a deadly party

They cheat and lie with ferocity

No president is perfect

The system is tilted towards evil due to decades of lies and cheating

Just once so we can clean house

Please People
Thank you Ken for creating this tradition

Looks like all your work was done for you this Sunday

We will all forgive you if you take one Sunday off


If you have more to add to this I will cheer
The story of life on Earth includes a large amount of human misery.

Something many of the spoiled rich kids in the USA forget. We actually have it really fucking good in America in comparison.


Never forget the more perfect union idea though

There is always room for improvement

There is always room to learn what others need
Never forget the more perfect union idea though

There is always room for improvement

There is always room to learn what others need

Agreed 100% However, that improvement is through growth, not banning shit and certainly not by trying to burn it all down and murder everyone with whom people disagree.

Most Americans understand this point. More would not like it but realize that they would lose their family and homes by committing crimes. Only people who are truly desperate or fanatical (mentally ill) would put the rest of their lives on the line for things they can't change.

There's are reason why 2/3s of the Insurrectionists were nutjobs. I suspect a similar statistic of any group that violently riots; either desperate or nutjobs.


Mental Illness Insurrection
Q anon arrested insurrection capitol riot mental illness
10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Cults
Agreed 100% However, that improvement is through growth, not banning shit and certainly not by trying to burn it all down and murder everyone with whom people disagree.

Most Americans understand this point. More would not like it but realize that they would lose their family and homes by committing crimes. Only people who are truly desperate or fanatical (mentally ill) would put the rest of their lives on the line for things they can't change.

There's are reason why 2/3s of the Insurrectionists were nutjobs. I suspect a similar statistic of any group that violently riots; either desperate or nutjobs.


Mental Illness Insurrection
Q anon arrested insurrection capitol riot mental illness
10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Cults

He grins like he knows what he's talking about. :eek:
Agreed 100% However, that improvement is through growth, not banning shit and certainly not by trying to burn it all down and murder everyone with whom people disagree.

Most Americans understand this point. More would not like it but realize that they would lose their family and homes by committing crimes. Only people who are truly desperate or fanatical (mentally ill) would put the rest of their lives on the line for things they can't change.

There's are reason why 2/3s of the Insurrectionists were nutjobs. I suspect a similar statistic of any group that violently riots; either desperate or nutjobs.


Mental Illness Insurrection
Q anon arrested insurrection capitol riot mental illness
10 Things to Know About the Psychology of Cults

Which is why we need to treat mental illness

Have you heard of the Flynn effect

And no it’s not THAT Flynn

It’s a long term study on why mankind’s intelligence has increased so quickly in the last couple of decades

We need to properly “feed” this effect to make use of the most valuable resources we have

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Let's pause and marvel at Alfonso Ribeiro's dancing. Will Smith got no nothing on that shit. Will is a very lousy dancer. On par with Kevin Bacon.

Which is why we need to treat mental illness

Have you heard of the Flynn effect

And no it’s not THAT Flynn

It’s a slang term study on why mankind’s intelligence has increased so quickly in the last couple of decades

We need to properly “feed” this effect to make use of the most valuable resources we have

I have now :) : https://www.thoughtco.com/an-introduction-to-the-flynn-effect-4159830
The Flynn effect, first described in the 1980s by researcher James Flynn, refers to the finding that scores on IQ tests have increased in the past century. Researchers studying this effect have found wide support for this phenomenon. One research paper, published by psychologist Lisa Trahan and her colleagues, combined the results of other published studies (which included a total of over 14,000 participants) and found that IQ scores have indeed increased since the 1950s. Although researchers have documented some exceptions, IQ scores have generally increased over time. Trahan and her colleagues observed, “The existence of the Flynn effect is rarely disputed.”

For the present, the need to correct IQ test scores for norms obsolescence in high stakes decision-making is abundantly clear. At average levels of IQ, a score difference of 95 and 98 is not critical. However, in capital punishment cases, life and death may reside on a 3-point difference of 76 versus 73, or 71 versus 68. This becomes especially important when comparing IQ test scores across a broad period of time and when IQ test scores obtained in childhood are brought to bear on an adult obtained score. Correcting for norms obsolescence is a form of scaling to the same standard. Weight standards often are adjusted each decade because people get larger over time. For these changes, the critical decision points are changed for obesity. For intellectually disability, we could (in theory) use the same test over time. Thus, if a child were assessed in 2013 with the WISC-R standardized in 1973, we could adjust the mean to 109 (SD = 15) and the cut point for intellectual disability to 79 (3 points). Because the convention in our society is to use a cut point of 70, corrections for norms obsolescence, i.e., the Flynn effect, must be made.

The existence of unknown factors that influence the Flynn effect should not obscure the major findings of this study: the mean value of the Flynn effect within the modern set centered around 3 points per decade, most of the estimated distribution of true effects was larger than zero, and the standard error of this estimate is 0.35 (resulting in a 95% CI that extends about .7, rounded to 1 point, on either side of 3 points per decade). These findings are consistent with previous research and with the argument that it is feasible and advisable to correct IQ scores for the Flynn effect in high stakes decisions.

Another person for you to marvel for his ability to dance very well. Christopher Walken. Yes you "Walken" into that one. And yes you can throw a rotten tomato at my face.
