I know it isn't Sunday yet

I accidentally typed slang instead of long in my post

The Flynn effect basically is an observation that mankind’s intellect as a whole has been increasing for generations

Mostly due to nutrition and better living conditions

Yes like any thing in science it’s been used and misinterpreted

Recently the trend has stopped

Very likely due to pollution

It’s sound economic practice to properly FEED, HOUSE, TEACH and RAISE the worlds children to create a better world economy

If you are one of the right that says fuck that then you are not being a good capitalist

The correct actions for EVEN THE GREEDY is to take the best care possible of your most valuable asset

The minds of the future

You need to care about this even if you are a sociopathic asshole who sees the world through greed glasses

Oh, good! Now DeSantis can run.
the curious part is that its been so long since I took "the paper" that I forgot they were referred to as Sunday Funnies.