I Leave For Vacay On Sunday

Well, that'll be hard there Lady T...


Damo, I know this is going to be tough week. We all know how much your life revolves around my being on this board. But you'll get through this. The only thing to do now is to pick up the pieces and to try to move on.....ummm kay.....you'll make it through buddy.......'kay?:hug:
Damo, I know this is going to be tough week. We all know how much your life revolves around my being on this board. But you'll get through this. The only thing to do now is to pick up the pieces and to try to move on.....ummm kay.....you'll make it through buddy.......'kay?:hug:
I'll try to hold it together...

:ILUM: <- this'll help.
Think of all the snow you will be missing.

Get brown,drunk,full and maybe even have a little Ganja.

I dont know what the laws are in those places.

I really need one too. Things have been crazy around here lately. I don't smoke, but I do drink and eat and I will be indulging this weekend.
Try not to miss me too much!:cof1:

Sounds pretty cool - have a great time.

My wife has been trying to get me on a cruise for a while. It never appealed to me, cause it seems like you spend most of your time on the boat in the middle of the ocean. Rather than spending most of your time visiting exotic countries. But, maybe I'd still like it. Let me know how it was, when you come back.

I've been trying to convince my wife we should do something really exotic - like travel to Thailand or New Zealand, or something. But, maybe I could handle one of those boat cruises.
Sounds pretty cool - have a great time.

My wife has been trying to get me on a cruise for a while. It never appealed to me, cause it seems like you spend most of your time on the boat in the middle of the ocean. Rather than spending most of your time visiting exotic countries. But, maybe I'd still like it. Let me know how it was, when you come back.

I've been trying to convince my wife we should do something really exotic - like travel to Thailand or New Zealand, or something. But, maybe I could handle one of those boat cruises.

This will be my first one. People that cruise swear by it. So I'll defiintely let you know.

I personally want to go to Fiji like my life depends on it. I'm thinking I'll do Fiji on my honeymoon. I hear the phillipenes is really nice too.
My inlaws traveld the world for like 5 years after they retired NON STOP (No home just suitcases) their favorite place was New Zeland.
This will be my first one. People that cruise swear by it. So I'll defiintely let you know.

I personally want to go to Fiji like my life depends on it. I'm thinking I'll do Fiji on my honeymoon. I hear the phillipenes is really nice too.

Good call on Fiji. That would be way cool. For some reason, I'm really into the asia-pacific region.
I'd love to live in New Zealand. Their immigration laws are restrictive though... by the time I could afford it I doubt I'd like to leave.
You have to pay to move thare Damo ? Darn I was thinking about moving there....
I can work from anywhere that has high speed net access.