I Leave For Vacay On Sunday

You approve of a country that spends half its GDP on public/government services?

Why on earth do you critcize the democrats for big government and high taxes? ;)
Once again. Smaller population makes for lower GDP. The taxation is not as high as the percentages of spending seem to reflect. Only in a zero sum universe magically drummed up by somebody attempting to "prove" a point would this be comparative directly.

Notice the actual rates:


They are not that much higher than in the US and much simpler.
Still more left-wing than even american democrats.
Rubbish. American Democrats supported that Hillarycare debacle.... That was far more "universal" than any plan ever proposed by New Zealand. More left than current American healthcare, but as a whole the nation is far less left than you are attempting to make it appear.
As I find more reasons that your assertion that they are super-left ultra-liberals taking all your money in taxes is unsupportable, exactly how long are you going to accuse me of some sort of non-existent hypocrisy?

Damo would like to live there because the population isn't nearly as high as here and the government isn't nearly as intrusive as a whole on the individual.
Riiiiight Damo:

New Zealand is a conservative nation - similar to 1950s america - with a libertarian economy.

Dream on!
Damo would like to live there because the population isn't nearly as high as here and the government isn't nearly as intrusive as a whole on the individual.

Now that's a valid reason, I can undertand. Its why I'd like to live there.

I'm just teasing you. Pure libertariansim doesn't work on a national scale, anywhere on the planet. Good thing we have liberal social democracies like New Zealand in the world!
Riiiiight Damo:

New Zealand is a conservative nation - similar to 1950s america - with a libertarian economy.

Dream on!
Once again, I never said they were Libertarian. I said their society values are much the same as those of the US in the 50s...

You are attempting to make it all some sort of lie. I have shown your "ultra-liberal" assertion to be a lie. They are relatively middle of the road with a subsidy system not too much different than our current system whereby, if you are a citizen or legal resident you may be eligible for their subsidies. Otherwise you have to pay.

Your assertions so far have all proven to be incorrect, including the supposed ideation of the government as "more left" than current Democrats in the US...

You have to be embarrassed by your supposed superior knowledge of New Zealand when in every case I have shown your assertion to be unsupportable. I guess that makes you right like Bush is right about everything....

Is a country that spends half its GDP on government and public services, like pensions, health care, and education - closer to the classic libertarian economic model? Or closer to the european liberal social democratic model?
Is a country that spends half its GDP on government and public services, like pensions, health care, and education - closer to the classic libertarian economic model? Or closer to the european liberal social democratic model?
However, it is a country that taxes at much the same level as the US. So the whole GDP argument is attempting to compare snakes to apples. One might associate to another in a book and some apples are green like some snakes, but they aren't really all that comparable.

The population being smaller and the GDP being far less on a whole makes the spending levels so different that just comparing that simply doesn't equate on a wholesale basis.

I gave you the tax rates that are not all that different than the US, though simpler. With those you can see that the government doesn't take all that terribly much of the earnings more than the US does. I already showed how this GDP argument doesn't prove that they are "more left than the US".

While some things, such as births are payed for, are more left, other things, like no illegal immigration coverage at all, are far more right than the US. Pretending that reality meshes totally with your GDP example is just pretense.
However, it is a country that taxes at much the same level as the US. So the whole GDP argument is attempting to compare snakes to apples. One might associate to another in a book, but they are really all that comparable. The population being smaller the GDP being far less on a whole makes the spending levels so different that just comparing that simply doesn't equate on a wholesale basis.

I gave you the tax rates that are not all that different than the US, though simpler. With those you can see that the government doesn't take all that terribly much of the earnings more than the US does.

I guess we shouldn't hijack lady t's thread.

If the state of colorado - which is similar in size to NZ - took nearly half its state economy in taxes and public spending, you would be cool with that?

we could start another thread? ;)
I guess we shouldn't hijack lady t's thread.

If the state of colorado - which is similar in size to NZ - took nearly half its state economy in taxes and public spending, you would be cool with that?

we could start another thread? ;)
If the taxation rates were pretty much unchaged it would pretty much not matter to me. So yeah, I wouldn't be all that upset so long as they weren't making rules about smoking in all bars regardless of wishes of the ownership types of things...

You keep attempting to equate the GDP as a zero sum game, I have stated why they don't match up and you keep pretending it is that same zero sum game. I have shown why it doesn't matter how many times you mention it as some sort of line, that the line isn't drawn on the same paper as it is here in the US because as a whole the GDP is far higher per capita here than in New Zealand. But you can pretend that it is all the same if it makes you feel better...
yeah with the defecit we have it is surely not a zero sum game. It is a let the great Grandchildren pay for my butt game.
yeah with the defecit we have it is surely not a zero sum game. It is a let the great Grandchildren pay for my butt game.
It is, and when liberal "pay as you go" means that they can pass legislation unequivocally unfunded and get applause for it, it is also a game.

We lead ourselves poorly at this time.

I want a Balanced Budget Amendment and actual Security, a stick to the Constitution policy on War and several things that I am not likely to see for a very long time because Bush got the Rs to abandon principle to "advance" the party...
cruising is such a food fest! I remember once on a caribbean cruise that I took with my parents and all my siblings and our spouses and kids, I was sitting in the grand salon at 9:30AM having breakfast with my parents and realized it was my third breakfast of the day.... one when I went out early to watfch sunrise and read...another with my wife, kids and brother's family and then the third with my mom and dad.

That was the cruise I won over $1200 at blackjack and it just barely covered my bar tab!

Have a great time LadyT and just resolve to do the south beach thing when you get back!
cruising is such a food fest! I remember once on a caribbean cruise that I took with my parents and all my siblings and our spouses and kids, I was sitting in the grand salon at 9:30AM having breakfast with my parents and realized it was my third breakfast of the day.... one when I went out early to watfch sunrise and read...another with my wife, kids and brother's family and then the third with my mom and dad.

That was the cruise I won over $1200 at blackjack and it just barely covered my bar tab!

Have a great time LadyT and just resolve to do the south beach thing when you get back!

LOL.. i went on one and ate so much one morning i got sick, basicly i wasted the whole day in bed groning with a gut ach
you should have just purged and gotten back out on deck and had a cold beer!

I can sleep when I'm dead.

i cant stand vomiting... my brother has the same problem i do, we eat until it hurts, but the problem there was that the hurt didnt set in untill i was done being overwhelmed by all the food, i think i had like 4 over filled plates of food that morning. after tat i stuck to my liquid diet, and anything greasy. i think that being on a the boat didnt help, it was the first time sending that much time on an ocean. it was one of the best vacations i ever had