...Are you ashamed that a fat guy can kick your ass? ...
Dude I fought a fat guy before. It was the easiest fight I ever had. Had him lunging for me, gasping for air, Dood never laid a hand on me and I landed a right straight into his nose, and he landed straight back, out cold. Blood everywhere. He and his bully friends never gave me a sideways look after that either. :)
former fat girls have major self esteem issues. A lot of times they still see themselves as fat even when they aren't just because they are so used to it. It's like a car that gets in an accident but then repaired after the fact. It still loses some bluebook value. (And in their eyes they have lost value because their mom can always show their former pictures to you so you can be grossed out) Also they, as a prior fat person, are already used to having lower standards. Finding a hot girl that used to be a fat is a major catch. They will be usually very nice because they were always teased. It's really the best of both worlds. Hot girl without all the bitchiness and entitlement.
former fat girls have major self esteem issues. A lot of times they still see themselves as fat even when they aren't just because they are so used to it. It's like a car that gets in an accident but then repaired after the fact. It still loses some bluebook value. (And in their eyes they have lost value because their mom can always show their former pictures to you so you can be grossed out) Also they, as a prior fat person, are already used to having lower standards. Finding a hot girl that used to be a fat is a major catch. They will be usually very nice because they were always teased. It's really the best of both worlds. Hot girl without all the bitchiness and entitlement.

So, skinny girls are bitchy and entitled?
former fat girls have major self esteem issues. A lot of times they still see themselves as fat even when they aren't just because they are so used to it. It's like a car that gets in an accident but then repaired after the fact. It still loses some bluebook value. (And in their eyes they have lost value because their mom can always show their former pictures to you so you can be grossed out) Also they, as a prior fat person, are already used to having lower standards. Finding a hot girl that used to be a fat is a major catch. They will be usually very nice because they were always teased. It's really the best of both worlds. Hot girl without all the bitchiness and entitlement.
Yup, nothing puts me off more then a hot chick who thinks the world owes her something cause she's hot. Those chicks are ussually to freaken stupid to stay hot for long and are best to be ignored utterly.
Grind was being naive. He failed to realize that some guys like you have never been out with a hot chick. :pke:

Not true. I have dated a hot Chinese girl from college (she was a business student and got her BA and MBA) off-and-on for a couple of years. She's been in NY for several months, though. She never wanted to go down on me, though...
former fat girls have major self esteem issues. A lot of times they still see themselves as fat even when they aren't just because they are so used to it. It's like a car that gets in an accident but then repaired after the fact. It still loses some bluebook value. (And in their eyes they have lost value because their mom can always show their former pictures to you so you can be grossed out) Also they, as a prior fat person, are already used to having lower standards. Finding a hot girl that used to be a fat is a major catch. They will be usually very nice because they were always teased. It's really the best of both worlds. Hot girl without all the bitchiness and entitlement.
That's one way of looking at it. Skinny girls have a whole other set of problems that you can work with to get your dick wet though. You have to know how to play on their personality type. Goth girls are usually the easiest, but for me it was always more fun to pick up born agains.