That's one way of looking at it. Skinny girls have a whole other set of problems that you can work with to get your dick wet though. You have to know how to play on their personality type. Goth girls are usually the easiest, but for me it was always more fun to pick up born agains.
Oh yea! I done that schtick before too. Nothing those born again type love then the emotional catharsis of bringing a born again sinner to Jesus. All you have to do is be a pig in some way, have an emotional melt down about it in front of them, profess tearfully your undying love for Jesus and watch those panties drop! Then relapse so you can do it all over again.

I quite doing that cause, to be quite honest with you, they were terrifically boring girls.
Oh yea! I done that schtick before too. Nothing those born again type love then the emotional catharsis of bringing a born again sinner to Jesus. All you have to do is be a pig in some way, have an emotional melt down about it in front of them, profess tearfully your undying love for Jesus and watch those panties drop! Then relapse so you can do it all over again.

I quite doing that cause, to be quite honest with you, they were terrifically boring girls.
Yeah, I don't employ that method at all. You aren't born again without being a sleezebag/cumdumpster first, so I just subtly find ways to bring it out. For every female personality (all 6 of them) I had a method for picking up.
Not true. I have dated a hot Chinese girl from college (she was a business student and got her BA and MBA) off-and-on for a couple of years. She's been in NY for several months, though. She never wanted to go down on me, though...

Don't worry! Good looking girls come around.

Be patient.,,,,,,,, And have a camera ready if possible.

Oh,,, and make sure to take a good shower first if possible.

And don't complain if she didn't.

If this is the case,,,,,, don't kiss her afterwords.:clink: