I Love Hugo Chavez

Just apologize...

Not rascist at all, you are just trying to spin it off as rascism. Puppets come in all varieties.

backslidding is soo unbecomming! Just say...Condi I apologize for my racist mistake...kinda like ya wanted that comedian to do!...Short memory y'all have...not me...I caught ya spewing all that you criticized Mel and Jerry the sitcom dude(Richardson) to do!
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Apparently crack. And it must be good.

don't do dope...maybe a occassional beer...y'all have me confused with your boys wonderful choices...Madeline Halfbright and Jocylin(masturbation) Elders
I think maybe they were on crack as well as you after all as the old saying goes in law enforcement... the one who finds the body is the first suspect...y'all fit the bill pretty well!
Colin resigned because he felt his differences were compromising...and Condi a puppet...c'mon she is a bright gal and calling her a puppet is a racist comment...kinda sorta akin to "Uncle Tom" don't ya think?
"Bright" says nothing about either moral or honest.
thats true...however, although I do not agree with all Condi's policies...I do believe that she is a honest and moral person...I don't know her on a personal level...but then again neither do you!;)
Sadly, I do. Or my father does, more correctly, and I do in a passing way.

There are two subjects I never discuss online -- other than in purely superficial terms. Condi Rice is one and internal Chinese politics is the other. Both for reasons that seem compelling to me. I ought to add abortion to the list but can't seem to quite do it.
Soo you are related...

Sadly, I do. Or my father does, more correctly, and I do in a passing way.

There are two subjects I never discuss online -- other than in purely superficial terms. Condi Rice is one and internal Chinese politics is the other. Both for reasons that seem compelling to me. I ought to add abortion to the list but can't seem to quite do it.

and have the inside scoop...I will press no further...she does put on a good personna though...and I will stay out of sibling spats...ya never know who is telling the truth!
lady t needs to move to venezuela. Then she can vote for chevez all she wants. after all he's the only name on the ballot. Hell they will probably let her vote multiple times. And she wouldn't even need heating oil there.

She'll sell her vote for cheap oil, now there's a true liberal.
Some in this country have apparently sold their votes in congress for expensive oil, so why not sell it for cheap oil ?
I'm still not seeing any sort of justification presented by Lady T for this ridiculous support of Chavez. It seems that it might have something to do with cheap oil or propane, but surely T has a better reason?

I hope she realizes, Chavez is a totalitarian dictator, and in his country, there is no such thing as equal or civil rights. There is no ACLU or NAACP to stand up for the less fortunate, or any other special interests. We have those things here, because we live in a free democratic society, unlike Venezuela.

I think Lady T just wanted to be 'extreme' here, and see if she could stir up controversy. After all, she can come here and state her allegiance to Chavez without any worries that America will ever adopt Venezuelan socialism. Sort of like the 60's pinheads who fawned over Mao, knowing full well, America wasn't going to adopt Communism as a form of government.

It's amazing to me, how pinheads use the freedom our soldiers died to protect, to utter such absurd nonsense. The very freedoms that enable them to pontificate this profound wisdom and intellectual enlightenment, is forbidden in those type governments, and punishable by death.
I think Lady T just wanted to be 'extreme' here, and see if she could stir up controversy. After all, she can come here and state her allegiance to Chavez without any worries that America will ever adopt Venezuelan socialism. Sort of like the 60's pinheads who fawned over Mao, knowing full well, America wasn't going to adopt Communism as a form of government.

Actually I belong to "Draft Chavez in '08". We're working hard to get this modern day liberal hero on the ballot in the United States.
Hugo does deserve a medal of freedom or something , just for his ability to get the Bushie types so wound up. Without even having done anything at all to them. It must be their compassionate side coming out ;)
Hugo does deserve a medal of freedom or something , just for his ability to get the Bushie types so wound up. Without even having done anything at all to them. It must be their compassionate side coming out ;)

I've made it my mission to be as much of an apologist for Chavez as they are to Bush.
Chavez in Blue Jeans Rocks

I wish you ALL the luck in the world! I think a Chavez/Obama ticket would appeal to the heartland of mainstream America! GO FOR IT!

I love Chavez. I love his wife, his swagger, especially in his blue jeans. And I dont' give a $hit about what you say!

The way he combs his hair, his accent, his wife's accent, the smell of his cologne.

I especially like the way he pisses you bush apologists off.
I love Chavez. I love his wife, his swagger, especially in his blue jeans. And I dont' give a $hit about what you say!

The way he combs his hair, his accent, his wife's accent, the smell of his cologne.

I especially like the way he pisses you bush apologists off.
LOLOLOL!!! I have to blow my nose now!