I Love Hugo Chavez

I love Chavez. I love his wife, his swagger, especially in his blue jeans. And I dont' give a $hit about what you say!

The way he combs his hair, his accent, his wife's accent, the smell of his cologne.

I especially like the way he pisses you bush apologists off.

I wish you ALL the luck in the world! I think a Chavez/Obama ticket would appeal to the heartland of mainstream America! GO FOR IT!

I overheard this conversation in the coffee shop here this morning. "Who you gonna vote for, Hilary or the Ni@@er?" Got up and left.
Oklahoma I believe.

Well, that's what I figured. People who use the "N" word in the deep south, don't frequent coffee shops. It's very rare, aside from the occassional gang-banger, you will even hear the "N" word mentioned in public. Not that there isn't any racism in the south, it's just not as "mainstream" as it seems to be elsewhere these days.
The first time I heard that word in years and years, other than from Chris Rock, was from Kramer.