Yes, they seek the truth.
Science isn't a Universal Truth. Only religions claim that. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
Do not misunderstand that they are totally changing knowledge.
Science isn't knowledge either. It is a set of falsifiable theories.
Science isn't 'refining' anything.
For things change when science changed from geocentricity to heleiocentricity.
The Theory of an Earth centered universe was falsified by Galileo.
The Theory of a Sun centered universe was falsified by Newton and Einstein.
Neither is a theory of science anymore.
It changes everything yet nothing to people;'s lives.
Paradox. Irrational.
Do rightys think that was a sign that science is flawed?
You are pivoting. That's a fallacy. The discussion is about the Theory of the Big Bang, which was never a theory of science. It is a religion.
Nope. It adapts with knowledge.
Science isn't knowledge. Science is a set of falsifiable theories. It is not possible to prove any theory True. It IS possible to show a theory of science to be False. It is NOT possible to show a nonscientific theory to be False. A nonscientific theory remains a circular argument. If arguments extend from it, that makes it a religion. The Theory of the Big Bang is a religion. Indeed, many people try to prove the circular argument True. That is not possible. That is what a fundamentalist does.
It is on a constant mission to discover as much as it can.
Science isn't 'discovery'. Science is a set of falsifiable theories.
That is the opposite of religion.
The Theory of the Big Bang is NOT science. It is a religion, with many fundamentalists in it (including you).
It is not possible to test the null hypothesis of this theory (or any other theory concerning an unobserved event). Science requires this test to be available, practical, specific, and to produce a specific result. This is what 'falsifiable' means. Every theory of science is falsifiable. That is the very definition of science...a set of falsifiable theories.
It is also not possible to prove any theory True (regardless of whether it's a theory of science or not).
For example (since you brought it up):
The theory of science that the Earth was the center of the Universe was first created by Aristotle. He assumed the Earth was stationary (well, you can't feel any motion, can you?) and that everything else orbited the Earth.
This theory was falsified by Galileo when he was able to show that moons orbit Jupiter, blowing the whole Earth centric model to hell. It did NOT prove the Earth orbited the Sun (a different theory of science), but just that the Earth centered model was False.
The theory of science that the Earth orbited the Sun and everything else orbited the pair (the Tychonian model) was falsified by Kepler. He was able to show that Mars also orbited the Sun, and did that for Jupiter and the other planets as well. The Tychonian theory is no longer a theory of science.
The theory of science that everything orbits the Sun was falsified by Newton and again by Einstein. They were able to show that a) everything has gravity, including the Sun, and that bodies in space orbit each other, and b) that nothing is stationary.
The current theory of science states concerning this is that all bodies orbit each other around a point called the barycenter.
This stems from the theory of Gravitational Attraction created by Newton. It is testable. It is falsifiable. So far the theory has not yet been falsified. It is still a theory of science. The equation tested is F=G * (m1*m2) / r^2 where 'F' is force, 'G' is a natural constant (which serves to convert the relation to our units of measurement), 'm1' and 'm2' are two masses, and 'r' is the distance between them.
If ANYTHING falsifies this equation, it will be falsified. It will no longer be a theory of science. So far, it has not yet been falsified.
The Theory of the Big Bang cannot be tested. It is not possible to go back in time to see what actually happened. Science has NO theories about any unobserved event. They are not falsifiable.