Oh geez..... another teenage girly, emotional outburst by Geeky SportDiva, the JPP drama queen.
Instead of a reasoned, civilized, adult response which is apparently beyond her capabilities.
OK, here we go.
Once again I feel compelled to ask you what your problem is vis-a-vis reading what you're responding to before you start throwing your typical hissy fits. Is it blindness? Illiteracy? Stupidity? Or just laziness?
Maybe a combination of some or all?
Here's the answer to your silly, childish and inane question....
Merely expressing an opinion based on what I've observed in my lifetime, little Nazi drama queen.
Nobody said you have to agree with it or like it.
What's the problem here.... were your parents career fast food workers?
Is that why you're so upset over this whole issue?
Did my comments strike a nerve and hit too close to home?
Everybody assumes a lot here, little greenhorn whippersnapper.
I'm fortunate to have been BORN IN THIS COUNTRY just like all the crybabies on both sides who complain about everything in the US not being good enough for them. The difference between me and them/you, is that I recognize how fortunate I am based on that alone.
But that having been said, I've worked hard and sacrificed for everything I have, which is modest by some standards but more than enough for my comfort.
And while I was walking the road of life, I always did what was necessary to get by in terms of my living arrangements and what kind of expenses I incurred.
Aside from around $10,000 in student loans which I paid off as quickly as possible, I've never been in debt in my life and I never pissed my money away on things I didn't need.
There's an ignore feature anyone can use.
I suggest you avail yourself of it.
Come to think of it, I could swear you said something about doing just that the last time I made you cry.
There are no Squat-a-burger places in Florida.
Sounds like a Texas thing.
Big, fat, ugly, Texas redneck cows squatting on a hamburger then eating it.
Sounds like the kind of thing you'd see in Tex-ASS.