I Nearly Choked On My Coffee After This Fox News Host Suggested Workers Making $20/Hr

When I get them, I find the McClatchey (spelling) news service/papers pretty objective. The Washington Post still has most of it's objectivity intact (IMHO). My local newspaper Newsday isn't so bad, sometimes. What it's come down to for the last 40 years for me is listening to "alternative" news services like Pacific Broadcasting to counter balance the status quo, and then determine for myself what is and isn't real.

Long Island?
Are you gonna' look past all of your own ugly comments to me, too?

Are you gonna chalk it up to you being a child who thinks he knows everything?

No Sir.

I regret if I've hurt anyone's feelings. That is not really my goal.

If, I hurt yours, please accept my apology for that!

And no, I do not think I know everything, as I learn new things every day.
Are you gonna' look past all of your own ugly comments to me, too?

Are you gonna chalk it up to you being a child who thinks he knows everything?
Jesus fucking Christ you’ve proved to be a limpdicked hypocrite. You shit all over most people on the forum and then get bent out of shape when it’s dished back at you? WTF?
Jesus fucking Christ you’ve proved to be a limpdicked hypocrite. You shit all over most people on the forum and then get bent out of shape when it’s dished back at you? WTF?

You just described yourself.

I only dish back what gets dished out to me.

Go fuck yourself, you lying, limpdicked hypocrite.

Fucking crybaby.


Guno צְבִי;5964719 said:
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
When I get them, I find the McClatchey (spelling) news service/papers pretty objective. The Washington Post still has most of it's objectivity intact (IMHO). My local newspaper Newsday isn't so bad, sometimes. What it's come down to for the last 40 years for me is listening to "alternative" news services like Pacific Broadcasting to counter balance the status quo, and then determine for myself what is and isn't real.

Long Island?

I would like to meet anyone that can honestly say they are not politically biased in America today.

Donald Trump has got us all at the brink of a Civil War.

I watch MSNBC exclusively for Political news because they are not afraid to tell the truth.

I still watch all of the evening news programs on the main three channels, from day to day, and I get my local news on my local stations.

Even though MSNBC is a Democratic Echo-chamber, I dare anyone on this forum, or anywhere for all that matters, to deny anything that is said or quoted on MSNBC, with any proof that could possibly challenge it.

When things are as bad as they are on the political landscape, with DOnald Trump's crooked ass right at the forefront of it, all MSNBC has to do is just tell the truth.

I look at it as a service to mankind to keep us informed on what is really going on without having to be dishonest.

As long as you are aware of the bias, which you obviously are, IMO it's not harmful. Fox for example tells its viewers just part of a story, and uses inflammatory language to tell it. Many of their news stories have enough truth in them to sound credible, yet as we can see from RW commenters here, they do not provide context or mitigating facts. The economy is a good example of that. We can see from what certain Reichwingers here claim about the economy that they aren't being given the whole story by their chosen media, so they insist that we're all on the verge of recession or even collapse, which is not true. I've read LW sources that do the same thing. I dislike being manipulated to think a certain way.
When I get them, I find the McClatchey (spelling) news service/papers pretty objective. The Washington Post still has most of it's objectivity intact (IMHO). My local newspaper Newsday isn't so bad, sometimes. What it's come down to for the last 40 years for me is listening to "alternative" news services like Pacific Broadcasting to counter balance the status quo, and then determine for myself what is and isn't real.

You almost have to use several sources today to get the whole picture. <cue old lady voice> Remember when the anchormen just reported what happened that day and let you choose how to think about it?
He probably didn't word his comment in the most understandable way.

I thought he just meant that he felt Fast Food Workers spend more than they make.

When I feel like a burger, and not having to make it myself, I will go to a restaurant called Braums here in Texas. They are a franchise out of Oklahoma that offers a 1/3rd lb 100% beef. cheeseburger, with all the fixings, crinkle fries, and the option to upgrade your soft drink for a small shake- all for less than $10 bucks.

Or I will head to Griffs, who offers a double meat and cheese burger- a full half pounder- more string fries than I can eat, and a Giant Soft-Drink that is more than I can drink- all for $10.50 including tax. I actually upgrade the order and get a large chocolate shake for just $1 more.

Denny's is my favorite cheeseburger but, I can't get out of there without spending $20 bucks or more- PLUS TIP!

I get the desire for a good burger, fries and Chocolate Shake about once a week.

I've given up on Jack-in-the-Crack, Dairy Queen, Burger King, Whataburger, Sonic, In-n-out Burgers, Wendy's, and McDonalds.

They are all a rip-off in my opinion, and they are not high-quality foods and are no way as good as Griffs or Braums.
We have a lot of diners here that make very good burgers. I don't eat burgers anywhere, but the food is much better than any fast food joint.
Well, based on the numbers from the OP, which is what I was using, the hypothetical person would have over $300 a week left over for those things.

But even at half the pay rate in the OP, said worker would still have over $150 per week left to pay for those things.

And let's keep in mind also, that purchasing and driving a brand new car is not necessary.

When I was young, I always drove used cars.

You can make it in today's world on $10 - $12 bucks an hour if you use some common sense and not go around thinking you deserve and should have the best of everything just because you want it.

I think that tends to be the mindset of a lot of younger people today.

And they often become very indignant when you point it out to them and suggest that maybe they should dial back their expectations a little bit.
Whereas nobody is ever going to retire in a $20/hour job, you're talking about simply existing. These are people who are one sprained ankle away from being homeless even in your scenario.

Let's not forget that none of them have health insurance if they are part time.

If you're suggesting Medicaid for them, then the taxpayer will take up the burden while the corporation continues to make record profits.
Yep. I never cared at all for MSNBC because of its blatant bias. Mr. Owl used to watch it when we first met. Keith Olbermann was funny, Maddow is smart and funny too... but bias.
Olbermann exploded when Dubyah was in the process of destabilizing the entire Mid East. We needed someone who made public the lies and near crimes perpetrated by the administration. Cheney outed a fucking CIA agent because her husband exposed the WMD lie.

I remember people discussing the show on message boards, and I had to actually search for MSNBC. Maddow got her start by leading into Olbermann. By default she had viewership.

Olbermann's delivery got a bit old rather quickly. I don't want affect from any of the 'copy readers' who host these shows. Olbermann was entirely too much as the years went on. Not unlike Maher today.

When Olbermann was dumped, Maddow took his slot and unfortunately adopted his tactics. Once her cold open is over, she's actually a talented host who conducts interviews in a professional manner. I actually like her show better when someone else is sitting in and reading her copy.

With all the election crap going on, she's back to near full time. I liked it better when she was on hiatus.

There is a small handful of hosts on MSNBC that I can handle. The rest don't interest me at all.
Salaries represent 50 to 60% of the total costs of running a fast food restaurant. The average profit margin on such a restaurant is 5 to 9%. Regardless, if the owner can reduce salary costs while maintaining product quality they will. Thus, all the counter staff gets fired and replaced by kiosks when the cost of paying them rises too high. That is happening in California right now.
Stop lying. Kiosks are for ordering. No machine will ever make a burger and hand it to a customer. What's wrong with labor accounting for half of the operating cost?
You just described yourself.

I only dish back what gets dished out to me.

Go fuck yourself, you lying, limpdicked hypocrite.

Fucking crybaby.


Emotionally unstable nutjob.

I have no doubt you are lonely and in pain, ‘Mad. You’re a bitter old geezer unhappy in what should be your golden years. You are in pain, fear death and so bitter that you’ve driven family away. Sad.

Either get help before you help yourself to a handful of pills and a plastic laundry bag.
Whereas nobody is ever going to retire in a $20/hour job, you're talking about simply existing. These are people who are one sprained ankle away from being homeless even in your scenario.

Let's not forget that none of them have health insurance if they are part time.

If you're suggesting Medicaid for them, then the taxpayer will take up the burden while the corporation continues to make record profits.

Well, again.... you're talking about $20 an hour as if it's chump change, which it is not.

You seem to be suggesting that low paying jobs are some recent phenomenon that evil, white males have conspired to foist upon poor, millennial/Gen X/Gen Z victims who, by virtue of their TikTok-y wonderfulness, should all get paid $150,000 per year for any low skilled jobs they might aspire to.

And really, who expects to make a career of and retire from burger flipping jobs to begin with?

What you described above is why people go back to school and get training for real jobs outside the fast food industry.

As far as health insurance is concerned... young people by and large don't tend to get seriously ill. I never had health insurance either and as it turns out, never had occasion to use it. If one thinks health insurance is going to be an issue in the coming years, they should enroll in some kind of job training program and learn a valuable skill with which they can get a decent job that pays $20+ per hour and has an employee health insurance plan available.

All I'm hearing in this thread, is one flimsy excuse after another to coddle young people and powder their precious little bottoms.

Shower them with money for basically nothing, so they can spend their 20's and 30's slacking off, pissing their money away in clubs and gab on their phart smones all day with their little friends on social media.

Sorry, but I've got no sympathy.

Life is a jungle and the rule of the jungle has always been the same.... survival of the fittest.
Emotionally unstable nutjob.

I have no doubt you are lonely and in pain, ‘Mad. You’re a bitter old geezer unhappy in what should be your golden years. You are in pain, fear death and so bitter that you’ve driven family away. Sad.

Either get help before you help yourself to a handful of pills and a plastic laundry bag.

Poor little Dork Douche.

Life must be hard for you knowing that you're both a dork and a douche.

None of that garbage you slung at me has any basis in reality.

Sounds like pure, 100% projection on your part.

You're an obnoxious little troll who picks fights with others and wears them down to the point they just say "Fuck this a-hole" and walk away, leaving you to gloat over what you believe to be a victory.

What you can't deal with is someone like me who will go the distance with you and rub your own shit right back in your face.

Then, when you get your sad old ass kicked, rather than take it like a man, you throw tantrums and cry about it.

Well, all I have to say is....


cry harder, bitch!!!
Poor little Dork Douche.

Life must be hard for you knowing that you're both a dork and a douche.

None of that garbage you slung at me has any basis in reality.

Sounds like pure, 100% projection on your part.

You're an obnoxious little troll who picks fights with others and wears them down to the point they just say "Fuck this a-hole" and walk away, leaving you to gloat over what you believe to be a victory.

What you can't deal with is someone like me who will go the distance with you and rub your own shit right back in your face.

Then, when you get your sad old ass kicked, rather than take it like a man, you throw tantrums and cry about it.

Well, all I have to say is....


cry harder, bitch!!!
Claims I am the one that is projecting.

Get help before you hurt yourself or someone else, ‘Mad.
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Claims I am the one that is projecting.

Get help no mad before you hurt yourself or someone else, ‘Mad.

You ARE the one who is projecting, Dorky.

100% projecting your own jackassery onto me.

Take some advice, crabby old woman...

If ya can't take the heat, git outta the kitchen and quit yer bitchin'.


I hope the entire fast food industry switches to robotic food preparation.

The technology is already there.

Plenty of videos on YouTube that show these machines in action.

Eliminate about 98% of fast food jobs and hear the unemployed former workers who demanded $20 an hour, crying for those good old $8:an hour jobs they used to have.

Maybe fast food prices will go back down again, too.

Already in use in a few places.

I want to see their use increase drastically and soon.

And hopefully bring down the exorbitant price of burgers too.