Every trumper is a N4T.
If the extremist proggies have their way and something doesn't change, they probably will eventually.
But only until the fast food restaurants all go out of business as a result of having to pay their employees $20 an hour.
Best thing that could ever happen to this nation.
That, and making soda illegal.
But... but.... what about the poor fast food workers you've been pretending to have so much sympathy for???
Where will they work???
How will they survive????

The Trumpers around here who call your proggie ilk "Nazis" are really on to something there.
You people really are Nazis.
Just because you don't eat fast food or drink sodas, you want it made illegal for everyone else???
Seig fucking heil, bub.
The only reason we are having this discussion is because decades of outsourcing labor has created an issue re. quality jobs that pay a living wage.
Increased profits/dividends/share price are the only considerations with corporations.
We don't tax them, so there is no way to fund programs for those who cannot afford to exist on minimum wage.
But you just said that getting rid of the industry that employs them at over $10 an hour, would be the best thing that could ever happen to the US. So will you be happy when the fast food industry disappears and they have no means of employment left whatsoever?
Eventually. And then fast food chains will all go under either due to boycotts or due to people simply getting better food for a better price at a real restaurant.
It's already cheaper to eat real food than to eat fast food.
What about people who are in too big of a hurry to go into a sit down restaurant and be waited on and who don't want or can't afford the tip they'll be forced to plunk down on top of the food bill?
Or do you not really care about them, either?