Anybody who hasn't been living in a cave for the past 5 to 10 years, remembers that it wasn't long ago that you could get a McDonald's Quarter Pounder or Big Mac meal for around $5 or $6.
Recent news reports those same meals at around $18.
I recall just a few short years ago being able to purchase 2 BK Whoppers on a "twofer" special and large fries for around $7 + change.
So that's my expectation of how much a hamburger should cost.
If you're gullible enough to pay $18 for a McDonald's meal and feel that's normal, I would say that you are the one with the unrealistic expectations.
I never had health insurance for most of my adult working life. I had employer paid health insurance for a few years up until I was in my early 30's, which is around the time health insurance costs started to skyrocket and most employers stopped providing it for free. But when I had it, I never used it. I knew I was fairly young and healthy, so I didn't dwell on not having it and was fortunate enough to not get sick. But if I would have gotten seriously ill, the hospital would have had to treat me and hope I could/would eventually pay the bills I incurred.
I still don't see how any of that justifies paying everybody $20 per hour and up though.
Because as soon as burger flipping teenagers start making $20 an hour, the wages demanded for better, higher paying jobs will have to increase proportionally, which will in turn cause the prices of everything else including all the stuff you people cry about not being able to afford, to also increase proportionally.
And we'll be right back where we started, with the low, $20/hr end of the wage scale not being able to afford anything.
If you can't afford kids, you shouldn't have them.
You seem to think everybody has a born right to have whatever they want and if they can't afford it, somebody else should pay for it.
Statistically, young people as a whole tend to not get sick. Most debilitating diseases don't show up until later in life.
And you have no idea what I do and do not care about.
All you're doing here is virtue signaling as always.
"Look at me, everybody. Look at what a good, kind and caring person I am!!!!"
I get Social Security because I worked my entire adult life since the age of 17:for it.
And I never had a $20:an hour minimum wage or free everything.
I lived like I had common sense and did what it took to survive.
Just like one of the fittest.
In that case, I can only suppose that if you've been able to observe that, it's because you've made a career in the fast food industry.
Good for you.
Are we still talking about your career here?
Why are you asking me about things you have all the first hand experience in?
Survival of the fittest has been a basic truth in life since life began. If you still don't understand it, I guess it goes a long way towards explaining why so many millennials/Gen X/Gen Z types live at home with their parents.
You'll have to link me to any post where I advocated killing young people with or without health problems.
Because I'm "pretty sure" (positive) I made no such comment.