Every trumper is a N4T.
It is in the name: EMERGENCY room. It is not called the LIFESAVING CARE room. The emergency room gives you emergency care, stabilizing you for your next stop. Lets say you have cancer that requires chemo therapy. The emergency room cannot give you that. So your next stop is going home to die... Or begging a charity or government program for treatment.
Yes, it is taxpayers being forced to "pool" our money because you are too lazy to pay for your own medical insurance. You want freebies.intern
You are making a strong argument for Obamacare there.
More of your usual keyboard warrior bullshit.
Hospitals have financial assistance programs and interest free loans for uninsured people.
What has that got to do with you wanting to make $20 an hour for your burger flipping toilet scrubbing job?
When your $20 hourly burger flipping salary drives up all other salaries including those of hospital employees, which will drive up the cost of everything else, your $20 an hour still won't pay for any of the things you think it will.