I Nearly Choked On My Coffee After This Fox News Host Suggested Workers Making $20/Hr

It is in the name: EMERGENCY room. It is not called the LIFESAVING CARE room. The emergency room gives you emergency care, stabilizing you for your next stop. Lets say you have cancer that requires chemo therapy. The emergency room cannot give you that. So your next stop is going home to die... Or begging a charity or government program for treatment.

Yes, it is taxpayers being forced to "pool" our money because you are too lazy to pay for your own medical insurance. You want freebies.intern

You are making a strong argument for Obamacare there.

More of your usual keyboard warrior bullshit.


Hospitals have financial assistance programs and interest free loans for uninsured people.

What has that got to do with you wanting to make $20 an hour for your burger flipping toilet scrubbing job?

When your $20 hourly burger flipping salary drives up all other salaries including those of hospital employees, which will drive up the cost of everything else, your $20 an hour still won't pay for any of the things you think it will.
Hospitals have financial assistance programs and interest free loans for uninsured people.

So now you want an interest free loan on money you will never pay? Will the demands ever end?

There are four options if you are too lazy to pay for it:
1) The government pay for it, in other words we taxpayers pay for your laziness.
2) Charity pays for it, in other words we taxpayers pay for your laziness.
3) The hospital jacks up prices on everyone else, in other words we taxpayers pay for your laziness.
4) You go home and die without anyone having to pay.
So now you want an interest free loan on money you will never pay? Will the demands ever end?.

First of all, it's not a loan.

Second of all, nobody is demanding anything.

Hospitals offer interest free payment plans for people with no insurance.

And it makes no difference that Walt the tranny makes $20 an hour as a burger flipper.

There are four options if you are too lazy to pay for it:
1) The government pay for it, in other words we taxpayers pay for your laziness.
2) Charity pays for it, in other words we taxpayers pay for your laziness.
3) The hospital jacks up prices on everyone else, in other words we taxpayers pay for your laziness.
4) You go home and die without anyone having to pay.

1) The only way the government pays is via Medicaid and only the poorest of the poor get that and ONLY if they have children.

2) Charitable organizations have nothing to do with the taxpayers.

3) The hospitals will jack up prices anyway as soon as all their hourly employees demand higher salaries because a bunch of stupid, money grubbing burger flippers like you cried about making $20 an hour.

4) Or, you browbeat your burger joint employer to pay you $20 an hour for doing work any brainless teenager can do, which will force all wages up which will fuel inflation while driving up the cost of everything produced by companies paying higher salaries thanks to YOU and your fellow burger flippers for being too greedy and irresponsible to live within your means.
So you support California setting a higher minimum wage than the federal minimum wage, and cities in California setting an even higher minimum wage?
I support State's Rights. Why couldn't California set a minimum wage or LA a minimum wage? It's up to the local citizens to decide.
Hospitals have financial assistance programs and interest free loans for uninsured people.
First of all, it's not a loan.

We all knew the "interest free loans" that Nomad claimed were not loans. He had no desire to repay them.

Second of all, nobody is demanding anything.

You refuse to pay for insurance, and then demand medical care you cannot pay for. That is called demanding.

Hospitals offer interest free payment plans for people with no insurance.

They are not "loans" they are "plans" to pay your "debts", or in other words loans... As you called them in the beginning.

Arranging a payment plan for someone who has insurance makes sense. The copayment is limited to an amount that can be repaid. It is a waste of time to give someone a loan for an amount they can never possibly pay.

1) The only way the government pays is via Medicaid and only the poorest of the poor get that and ONLY if they have children.

People without children get Medicaid.

2) Charitable organizations have nothing to do with the taxpayers.

I wonder who donates money to those charities? Could it be taxpayers?
We all knew the "interest free loans" that Nomad claimed were not loans. He had no desire to repay them.

You refuse to pay for insurance, and then demand medical care you cannot pay for. That is called demanding.

I never went to the doctor or a hospital when I was young and uninsured.

Never incurred a dollar of medical debt because I lived a healthy lifestyle and was careful not to injure myself.

So much for your hare-brained theory.

They are not "loans" they are "plans" to pay your "debts", or in other words loans... As you called them in the beginning.

If no money changes hands, it is not a loan.

You cannot "loan" someone healthcare.

Even a dipshit like you ought to understand that.

Arranging a payment plan for someone who has insurance makes sense. The copayment is limited to an amount that can be repaid. It is a waste of time to give someone a loan for an amount they can never possibly pay.

You can't get blood out of a turnip or water from a stone.

There are no debtor's prisons in the US and it's illegal to confiscate people's homes or property.

A no interest payment plan is the only option.

People without children get Medicaid.

Only if they are pregnant or severely disabled.

Like blind quadriplegic disabled.

Average working age people with no children do not qualify for Medicaid.

I wonder who donates money to those charities? Could it be taxpayers?

Not likely.

Taxpayers are working people who have very little money to donate to charities for things like funding low income medical care.

It mainly comes from foundations set up by wealthy benefactors' trust funds and corporations looking for tax WRITE-OFFS.

So actually, uninsured people are LOWERING taxes.

Besides, according to people like yourself, corporations don't even pay taxes.

So once again, your hare-brained theory goes over like a lead fart.
trump succeeded in getting millions of poorly educated who never voted in their lives, to come out and support him.

Once he's gone in November, they'll crawl back under their rocks.

They'll make some noise during the lame duck, but the rest of the nation will move on as Congressional Republicans breathe a sigh of relief.

Okay, here's the thing:

One of my pet peeves in the political analysis world is the constant pegging of people into categories; the college educated as opposed to working class (assuming there was no community college educated or upgrade in their jobs via experience).

It's easy to point to and exploit the yahoos and willfully ignorant folk who support someone you find reprehensible, but what about all those "college educated, middle and upper middle class" folk? Remember, the people in Congress, the lobbyist, etc. are all college or ivy league university educated, many with law degrees or degrees in business, etc. That goes for all Trump and GOP voters in the general public.

So have a care not to fall into the stereotype, because that is how you can be easily manipulated.
Okay, here's the thing:

One of my pet peeves in the political analysis world is the constant pegging of people into categories; the college educated as opposed to working class (assuming there was no community college educated or upgrade in their jobs via experience).

It's easy to point to and exploit the yahoos and willfully ignorant folk who support someone you find reprehensible, but what about all those "college educated, middle and upper middle class" folk? Remember, the people in Congress, the lobbyist, etc. are all college or ivy league university educated, many with law degrees or degrees in business, etc. That goes for all Trump and GOP voters in the general public.

So have a care not to fall into the stereotype, because that is how you can be easily manipulated.
There are Republicans/Democrats/Independents.

Millions of educated Republicans voted for trump twice because they either want to pay less in taxes, or they obsess over their guns. Nothing more.

This is not the MAGA base. The above referenced held their collective noses and voted for trump. Many don't want to discuss it.

The MAGA 'base' is those I mentioned earlier, and those are the ones trump targets. The morons who never paid attention to politics, but are impressed by everything trump.

Similar to millions of non white voters who never participated because they felt that they had no representation, but were inspired by Obama. This group saw severely declining numbers when Hillary was the candidate, and it put trump in the W.H.

Same for youth voters
Since when should I be required / forced to give others anything to subsidize or support them? What you are calling for is forced altruism enforced by government, otherwise known as socialism and it doesn't work.

You pay taxes not welfare. If the country decides to use some of it's funds to help the disadvantaged then they have every right to do so.
trump succeeded in getting millions of poorly educated who never voted in their lives, to come out and support him.

Once he's gone in November, they'll crawl back under their rocks.

They'll make some noise during the lame duck, but the rest of the nation will move on as Congressional Republicans breathe a sigh of relief.

Republicans would give anything to be rid of that asshole, they are simply afraid 20-30% of their party will never vote for them again. You bet the sane ones are hoping he loses.
How many weeks has it been since you've been out of your mom's basement?


Labor costs and employee salaries are part of the free market, moron.

If IT techs or other similar skilled and semi-skilled workers who are earning in the same ballpark as $20 an hour, see teenage burger flippers making as much or almost as much as they are, they'll demand a raise. Companies who don't comply with those demands, will begin losing employees to companies who are willing to hire them away from their current employers, at the pay rate they ask for. Eventually, all companies will have to get on board.

By then, prices for all other goods and services within the economy will have increased accordingly.

Take an economics class, you semi-literate halfwit.

No stupid, it just means those corporations will be making millions instead of billions.
You pay taxes not welfare. If the country decides to use some of it's funds to help the disadvantaged then they have every right to do so.

Welfare is paid from taxes. Therefore welfare is paid for by taxpayers. When welfare becomes too generous and can be gotten for a lifetime, some will take advantage of that. When taxes become too onerous to bother to work for pay, people will take those generous benefits that aren't taxed instead. Forced altruism does not work.