The rich didn't get that way alone.....they depend on people to do the work to make their ideas a reality.
We have already established that you are abysmal at economics and really shouldn't be gibbering on the topic.
The successful are wealthy because they add great value to society. The poor are poor because they aren't adding value to the same extent. You sound like a Marxist who mistakenly believes that wealth is somehow distributed, not earned.
I don't begrudge someone getting wealthy,
Booooolsch't. You are obviously a poor loser who adds no value to society, probably because you aren't competitive in any way, and you totally envy those who are successful and happy.
Taichiliberal Mantra: I'm not happy until you're not happy!
but I'll be damned if I pay comparatively more taxes than they do!
What's with the word "comparatively"? Wait, I'll explain it to you. You are doing your best to twist words in such a way as to effectively delude yourself into believing that you somehow pay more in taxes than the successful, happy people you envy who, in fact, pay much much more in taxes than you do. You do this out of shame that you don't add any value to society whereas they do. Their existence makes you stand out as a total loser and you yearn for the government to punish them for having added value to society.
Well, it's too late. Now everybody knows that your petty, juvenile whining and bitching and moaning and sniveling and griping and crying about people who are pillars of society is nothing more than your embarrassment at being totally useless.
By the way, your' complete lack of any economics acumen gives you away. Every time you post, you broadcast "Hey! Look at me! I'm totally undereducated, which is why I can't get a job and why I live in my mother's basement."
All of this explains your absolute need to worship in the churches of
Climate Change,
Global Warming and
Science Denialism. They are your only avenues of relief from your eternal misery, i.e. fantasy of being a Climate Justice superhero who is actually an important, contributing, value-added member of society because he is a thienth geniuth and is deputized to administer
Climate Juthtith to the evil thucthethful happy people who thpread their evil happineth and are happy ... and who CORRUPT THE PLANET with their nice things!
You are scientifically illiterate, mathematically incompetent, logically inept and economics challenged ... and you broadcast it. Why should anyone believe/accept anything you write?
Before you or I were born, there was about an 80% tax rate on the very wealthy and the country had NO SHORTAGES of millionaires and such.
Before there was an income tax and began redistributing people's wealth from those who earned it to those who did not, the United States grew strong very rapidly, and without burying the next four generations in crushing debt. As soon as the government created the income tax, it put the brakes on the growth of the country but of course greatly accelerated the bloating of the government.
Donald Trump represents the undoing of this, and people such as yourself who HATE happiness in others, bitterly oppose anything of the sort.
But now, corporations get tax breaks to set up shop in various cities, but still out source overseas for labor and such....and you and I pay for the products shipped back to us which incorporated shipping costs, etc.
If you want to end this, lower the taxes on businesses so they don't have to move jobs overseas. Oh wait, you are economics challenged. Even simple concepts don't register with you.
Upper end investors on Wall St. don't pay a transaction tax which put money in the coffers for the state without any major cut back on their return profits.
I wish you would learn English. You seem to be contradicting yourself in this sentence.
Why do you care about specific taxes that are paid or not paid by others? Why do you care about the
coffers for the state? Wait, I'll explain that to you. In your need to punish successful people for adding value to society and for making you face your own shame in being non-value-added, you decided to view an individual's wealth as really belonging to the government, and viewing any wealth that is not surrendered to the government as being criminal hording.
If you really cared about fairness and in not punishing people for adding value to society, you would demand a flat tax, across the board, say around 9%, i.e. have all people pay the exact same percentage, i.e. those who make/spend more pay more proportionally, i.e. total fairness.
This is where your economics incompetence compels you to scream "THAT'S NOT FAIR! Complete equity and equivalence across the board is totally unfair. That's
not what's in the Communist Manifesto!"
And where the fuck do YOU get off calling anyone "stupid" because they are poor?
I'm happy to point out that you are both stupid and poor. Also your English comprehension is atrocious. I bet you are regularly mistaken for lumber.
Remember the S&L scandal? The Wall St. debacle. The Reagan/Bush recessions? Too-Big-To-Fail banks?
Remeber Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, Chavez' Venezuela, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Mao's China, North Korea, Ho Chi Minh's Viet Nam, etc.?
A whole LOT of people that YOU consider smart (played by the rules, saved their money, invested) got poor real fast ... and many just became dead. Hell, folk like you VOTED MORE THAN ONCE for administrations that enacted economic policies PROVEN TO FAIL.
You cannot have a United States of America if a section of the population is gaining massive wealth while comparatively putting fare less into the "common good" than the majority of the population.
Your problem is that you are economics-challenged and you don't understand that the wealth one earns reflects the "common good" (value) he adds to society. As long as you remain on the education-level of a door-stop, you simply aren't going to get it, and you will continue to push for countries such as the US to tansform into Stalinist Russia, Nazi Germany, Chavez' Venezuela, Pol Pot's Cambodia, Mao's China, North Korea, Ho Chi Minh's Viet Nam, etc.
I know you'd rather eat crap and call it ice cream than admit to that,
You're the one who wants the US to follow Venezuela's lead and force the citizenry to search for their food in the garbage cans throughout the city ... while calling it ice cream. The early bird gets the worm-infested meal. You snooze, you starve. I'm so looking forward to that here in the US so I don't have to travel if I want to indulge in the experience. But first we need for the DNC to steal a few more elections before we can lock down on the nationwide culinary scavenger hunt.
but I do wish you'd stop insulting everyone's intelligence
You have to have intelligence to insult. Get some and
then you can complain.