Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Okay, here's the thing:
One of my pet peeves in the political analysis world is the constant pegging of people into categories; the college educated as opposed to working class (assuming there was no community college educated or upgrade in their jobs via experience).
It's easy to point to and exploit the yahoos and willfully ignorant folk who support someone you find reprehensible, but what about all those "college educated, middle and upper middle class" folk? Remember, the people in Congress, the lobbyist, etc. are all college or ivy league university educated, many with law degrees or degrees in business, etc. That goes for all Trump and GOP voters in the general public.
So have a care not to fall into the stereotype, because that is how you can be easily manipulated.
There are Republicans/Democrats/Independents.
Millions of educated Republicans voted for trump twice because they either want to pay less in taxes, or they obsess over their guns. Nothing more.
This is not the MAGA base. The above referenced held their collective noses and voted for trump. Many don't want to discuss it.
The MAGA 'base' is those I mentioned earlier, and those are the ones trump targets. The morons who never paid attention to politics, but are impressed by everything trump.
Similar to millions of non white voters who never participated because they felt that they had no representation, but were inspired by Obama. This group saw severely declining numbers when Hillary was the candidate, and it put trump in the W.H.
Same for youth voters