I Nearly Choked On My Coffee After This Fox News Host Suggested Workers Making $20/Hr

Probably his Nazi's just screaming louder. You actually think paying a porn star for sex and being guilty of rape and fraud helps? I suppose you are hoping he will be found guilty of numerous felonies and that will propel him to the presidency? There is a whole faction of "Republicans against Trump" that are enough to cost him the election not to mention the abortion issue. MAGATs like you don't care if he murders your mother and fucks your sister you will still vote for him but that isn't gaining him voters elsewhere.
trump succeeded in getting millions of poorly educated who never voted in their lives, to come out and support him.

Once he's gone in November, they'll crawl back under their rocks.

They'll make some noise during the lame duck, but the rest of the nation will move on as Congressional Republicans breathe a sigh of relief.
Which is ideal. Welfare paid is not subsidizing the guy who doesn't make enough to survive, it's subsidizing their employers so they don't have to pay them enough to survive. That's why companies like Walmart make billions. It's thanks to dumshit Republicans who then want to cut their taxes. The idiots seem to think that the screwdriver they want to buy will cost less if Walmart can pay their employees less. You will pay whatever the market will bear for that screwdriver regardless of what they pay their employees. After the Republican subsidizes those employers and cuts their taxes these corporations simply laugh all the way to the bank. That screwdriver is probably costing you double what you think it is by the time it's all said and done. Then the ignorant right likes to bitch about the cost of welfare, go figure. Why do you think the country is 30 trillion in debt?
Walmart got caught helping employees file paperwork for public assistance.
We, the People. The Federal government should act in the national interest. State government’s in the State interest, Counties in the county interest, etc. That’s how the system works, Fredo.
Unfortunately, our 'rule by minority' system of govt. deems what is in the national/state interest.
We, the People. The Federal government should act in the national interest. State government’s in the State interest, Counties in the county interest, etc. That’s how the system works, Fredo.

so it's in the national interest to make sure corporations get their way?

is that supply side?

Non sequitur. How do you connect the two?

corporations don't want a minimum wage.

and you want that to happen for them, being a supply-sider, because

What's good for corporations is good for America. (not americans, but America, the concept)

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oh survivial of the fittest eh?

should there be laws against murder, if so, why?

hey dumb boomer, you're not fit, you're just out of touch.

it's funny how you pretend you're opposed to walt.

How many weeks has it been since you've been out of your mom's basement?



if a low number goes up, other numbers have to go up to remain higher than the other number.

you sound fucking retarded.

why are those other demands valid? because better jobs are better?


you're caught in a circle of unearned merit presumption.

Labor costs and employee salaries are part of the free market, moron.

If IT techs or other similar skilled and semi-skilled workers who are earning in the same ballpark as $20 an hour, see teenage burger flippers making as much or almost as much as they are, they'll demand a raise. Companies who don't comply with those demands, will begin losing employees to companies who are willing to hire them away from their current employers, at the pay rate they ask for. Eventually, all companies will have to get on board.

By then, prices for all other goods and services within the economy will have increased accordingly.

Take an economics class, you semi-literate halfwit.
corporations don't want a minimum wage.

and you want that to happen for them, being a supply-sider, because

What's good for corporations is good for America. (not americans, but America, the concept)

:tard thoughts:
Of course they don’t, Tard Thoughts. It would cut into their profit margin. That doesn’t mean the workers can’t vote for it to happen, either locally, state or federal.

Your mind-reading skills exist solely in the world of delusion, Tard Thoughts, because I’ve never posted on the subject. Aren’t all Trumpers Supply-Siders? Supply-side economics is a macroeconomic theory postulating that economic growth can be most effectively fostered by lowering taxes, decreasing regulation, and allowing free trade. Isn’t that the Republican mantra?

Capitalism fuels America’s economy. When big business controls government, as it seeks to do through campaign donations, that’s not always good for all Americans and, therefore, the nation. Our infrastructure is failing, our schools are lacking and our citizens are less skilled and less educated.
It is because of assholes like you that we do have to subsidize those not making enough to survive. Maybe if we made a minimum wage that would allow them to survive without needing our tax dollars to support them we would not be spending billions on welfare. Except the right says fuck them let them starve and we aren't going to do that so quit your bitching.

Since when should I be required / forced to give others anything to subsidize or support them? What you are calling for is forced altruism enforced by government, otherwise known as socialism and it doesn't work.
Is that before or after tossing in all their welfare and subsidized healthcare benefits?

They do not qualify for benefits at 20 bucks an hour. The working poor is a creation of a low minimum wage. Each state has its own benefit rules. You would not get help if you were making 20 bucks an hour. Welfare went away during Clinton's presidency.
How many weeks has it been since you've been out of your mom's basement?


Labor costs and employee salaries are part of the free market, moron.

If IT techs or other similar skilled and semi-skilled workers who are earning in the same ballpark as $20 an hour, see teenage burger flippers making as much or almost as much as they are, they'll demand a raise. Companies who don't comply with those demands, will begin losing employees to companies who are willing to hire them away from their current employers, at the pay rate they ask for. Eventually, all companies will have to get on board.

By then, prices for all other goods and services within the economy will have increased accordingly.

Take an economics class, you semi-literate halfwit.

so some people need to see the suffering of others to feel lucky, and you're willing to provide that inequality as a motivator.

right, you're a terrorist.
I have noticed that the oldest, weakest among us are spending a lot of time talking about how we should have "survival of the fittest." They do not seem to realize they are not the fittest.

Recent news reports those same meals at around $18.

If you have it delivered to you, yes. But to get it delivered to you in the past would require hiring someone, and might be $30 or $40.

Right now a reasonable price for a Big Mac meal is about $8 or $9. That is more than the $6 or $7 it used to be, but not exorbitant by any first world middle class standard.

If you're gullible enough to pay $18 for a McDonald's meal

I just bought one for a little less than $9, so I am not gullible enough to pay twice the price. I did pay more when I had Covid, because I had Door Dash deliver it. Now I just get off my butt, drive down, and get it myself.

I never had health insurance for most of my adult working life.

So if anything happened to you, you were hoping the rest of us would pay for it. Now you are retired, and again the rest of us are paying for it. I am noticing a pattern here.

most employers stopped providing it for free.

Again, I guess it depends on the social class you are in. My employers have never had a problem providing me with healthcare.

But if I would have gotten seriously ill, the hospital would have had to treat me and hope I could/would eventually pay the bills I incurred.

Hospitals are required to give you emergency care, not life saving care. They would stabilize you, and then dump you out on the streets to die. Given that you could not afford $5k a year in health insurance, they would know you would not pay them $100k in health debt.

Either that, or the hospital would figure out a way to make the rest of us pay for your lazy ass.
That’s why such jobs are entry level jobs.

McDonald's jobs are rarely entry level. Most people do not make a career out of them, and those that do rarely move up.

Lots of part-time HS workers who will work for less pay since their room and board is already covered.

Many teenage workers are getting better jobs these days. At least around here, many of the fast food workers are in the 30 to 70 range.

They’re not just working to “learn to be responsible” but wanting the money to save for a car, college, pot, etc.

Working at minimum wage will not do much to pay for college these days.

To be clear, while I understand the basic logic of a federal minimum wage, tripling it to half of the average worker income is bullshit.

Federal minimum wage is a joke. Minimum wage in 1970 was $1.60, which adjusted for per capita GDP would be $23.35. That means California fast food workers will be poorer compared to the rest of society than any minimum wage workers in America in 1970.

It’d be more fair to tie it to local income levels.

So you support California setting a higher minimum wage than the federal minimum wage, and cities in California setting an even higher minimum wage?
I have noticed that the oldest, weakest among us are spending a lot of time talking about how we should have "survival of the fittest." They do not seem to realize they are not the fittest..

You'd never say that to any grown man's face, you candy-ass little tranny.

Although having removable false front teeth might be an advantage for your type.

If you have it delivered to you, yes. But to get it delivered to you in the past would require hiring someone, and might be $30 or $40....

Why are you such a liar?






IRight now a reasonable price for a Big Mac meal is about $8 or $9. That is more than the $6 or $7 it used to be, but not exorbitant by any first world middle class standard..

I just bought one for a little less than $9, so I am not gullible enough to pay twice the price. I did pay more when I had Covid, because I had Door Dash deliver it. Now I just get off my butt, drive down, and get it myself..

I guess prices are lower in the hicktown/ghetto you live in because you poor, low-class types have so little money to spend.

I was talking about most of the civilized parts of the country.

But still, anyone who'd pay nearly $10 for a McDonald's meal is almost as big of a dumbass as someone who'd pay $18.

Not a whole lot of difference there.

So if anything happened to you, you were hoping the rest of us would pay for it. Now you are retired, and again the rest of us are paying for it. I am noticing a pattern here..


I'd have had to agree to a payment plan or have my wages garnished.

Again, I guess it depends on the social class you are in. My employers have never had a problem providing me with healthcare..

Yeah, sure. You "high class" burger flipper technicians and custodial engineers always command the best benefits. :palm:

Hospitals are required to give you emergency care, not life saving care. They would stabilize you, and then dump you out on the streets to die. Given that you could not afford $5k a year in health insurance, they would know you would not pay them $100k in health debt.

Either that, or the hospital would figure out a way to make the rest of us pay for your lazy ass.

You're both a liar AND an idiot.

Hospital ERs are required to provide you with lifesaving care. They don't have to provide you with follow up care like physical therapy, etc. States have a pool of funds supplied by the federal government to cover it. In Florida it's called the LIP or Low Income Pool.

But it doesn't really matter because your coveted $20 an hour burger flipping salary is going to drive up the wages for all other jobs and in turn, the prices for everything else. Meaning we're all going to pay for it anyway, just in a more roundabout way.

Worse yet, since there's no law requiring people to have health insurance, you and many of your fellow burger flippers and janitors won't get it anyway and still not be able to pay their hospital bills.
Hospital ERs are required to provide you with lifesaving care.

It is in the name: EMERGENCY room. It is not called the LIFESAVING CARE room. The emergency room gives you emergency care, stabilizing you for your next stop. Lets say you have cancer that requires chemo therapy. The emergency room cannot give you that. So your next stop is going home to die... Or begging a charity or government program for treatment.

States have a pool of funds supplied by the federal government to cover it.

Yes, it is taxpayers being forced to "pool" our money because you are too lazy to pay for your own medical insurance. You want freebies.

Worse yet, since there's no law requiring people to have health insurance, you and many of your fellow burger flippers and janitors won't get it anyway and still not be able to pay their hospital bills.

You are making a strong argument for Obamacare there.