Hello Robo,
I would read this thread and reply to it, but it has a coward's list of folks the poster is scared of, so the poster shields himself with a gang of parrots. Typical of the snobbish leftist cowards.
If you are incapable of conducting a discussion with someone who holds an opposing view, without name-calling and insults, then perhaps you should be on that list. But you should know it is not what you call it at all. Instead of making things up, why not simply listen to the person who created it? I created the list, and this is why:
Very simply put, each poster is given tools which can be used to enhance participation. One of those tools is the Ignore feature. It is every poster's own prerogative to decide whether or not to utilize this feature. Doing so is no reflection on the bravery of that person. I choose to use it because I have a preference for civil discourse. I come here to talk about
Just Plain Politics. (I don't know what gave me the idea that was the purpose of the board by that name.) Some have devolved into just plain insults. Or politics plus insults. I didn't come here for an insult contest. I see no benefit in that. I come here to talk about politics, to learn, stay informed, to gather insight into what motivates people to support different views. When people are motivated by blind hatred for strangers, they hurl meaningless insults. At people they don't even really know. Since it is plainly clear what motivates them, there is no point in talking to them. I have already learned their motivation. I am interested in talking to people who can respectfully state their position without making it personal. They can't do that. They make themselves a pita to talk to. Often after having been backed into a corner on something erroneous they said. Or something they can't refute.
My use of the Ignore feature has nothing to do with politics. If you examine that list, you will find liberals on there as well as conservatives. This is a list of people who have disrespected me and shown there is no point in trying to conduct a civil conversation with them. So I don't. I wasn't the one who went negative. I was the one who shut it down. It was a bold move to come into this board and go against the norm like that. Despite having been repeatedly attacked for not wanting to accept flame wars, I have stuck to my convictions. That is not the action of a coward. I've taken a stand, and I have stood up for what I believe in. And I will continue to do that. I invite all who are tired of the trash-talk to do the same. Together, we can change the level of discussion around here, lift it up, away from the gutter. Change begins with each of us. All you have to do is make up your mind you want a better posting experience. I'm already living it, and I can tell you, it is fabulous.
Also, it has become a wonderful time-saver. By not bothering to waste time reading the posts of trolls, this gets me right to the more meaningful and well considered posts. I want the thoughtful informed stuff. The result is a refined and highly intellectual posting experience, carved out of what is largely a cesspool. I can visit, take part in excellent and almost professional-level politics discussions and get right out; without getting hung up in flame wars. All the flame wars that go on around here? I'm not in them. I just navigate between them. No interest. I spend only as much time as I like, talking mostly just plain politics, (and admittedly some BS about how to get along, mostly in the interest of enhancing the experience,) and then I am on to the rest of my life with more time to do other things I like.
As soon as somebody starts flaming on me they are filtered out. I shut it right down. It takes two to have a flame war. There is the bully-abuser, and the enabler-victim. Without either of those figures, no flame war can exist. I simply refuse to be an enabler for online abuse.
Now, I can go either way with anybody, Robo, and that includes you. If you want to discuss politics with me online, that is fine, and I can do that. If you want to call names, hurl insults, express latent anger and hatred, unload frustrations on somebody, and you identify me as a figure you wish to direct these emotions at? I'll have no part of that, so I will simply add your name to the list. I assure you, it is a simple task, and you are easily replaceable. There are plenty of people here, liberals and conservatives alike, who are able to conduct fascinating discussions with mutual respect for one another.
I can show you all the respect in the world, but I will only do that if it is returned. I can't control how you post, that's up to you. All I can do is promise that you don't have to hold your guard up with me. You don't have to worry that I am going to get personal with you. I am not going to call you names, put you down, or make up bad things about you. But you can't do that to me or I will just cut you off and never talk to you again. And your name will then be on the list at the top of my future threads. I can't control what you do but I can certainly control what I do. So that's it. It's all up to you. I actually hope you back off and just talk to me like a real person. But if you can't do that I understand. I will act accordingly. Just know that once it is done, it is done. I don't ever undo it. That simply lets people know I mean what I say. Your choice. Happy posting!