I Never Saw Taxes Make A Rich Man Poor - Vaporizing The Arguments Of The Greedy Rich.

Hello anonymoose,

Hi PoliTalker,

The reason I say that without any numbers it isn't an honest discussion is this. Your OP struck me as being along the same lines as the claim frequently made by the left that "the rich aren't paying their fair share". But the lefties who make that claim virtually never define (in numerical terms) who the rich are, or how much is their fair share.

For example, a guy who lives with 3 roommates in a 2 bedroom apartment, rides a bicycle to work and makes $20,000 a year. He looks at another guy who owns a 3 bedroom house, drives a reasonably nice car and makes $80,000 a year and thinks "that guy is rich". Meanwhile the guy who makes $80,000 a year and is 10 years into a 30 year mortgage on his house still owes $15,000 on his reasonable car certainly does not feel rich.

If you are saying people with wealth greater than 99% of the population are rich, that's a definition I can agree with. Of course wealth and income are completely different things. The definition of rich is:

Someone could have significant wealth, but not much income or reasonably high income without all that much wealth. The first person is rich, the second is not, by definition. We tax income, not wealth. Your contention that taxes can't make a rich man poor is true, for now because we don't tax wealth. However, high taxes could sure as heck prevent a high earner from becoming rich.

That's something you are reading into it. Fairness doesn't play into my logic.

Simple Logic:

The USA needs more revenue. The economy is not generating enough at current tax levels. (Despite the dreams of the right, trickle down has not worked.) Conservatives always want to reduce spending, but Republicans in complete control of government have not been able to do that. They know if they cut the social safety net they cut their throats and won't be reelected. Spending cannot be reduced enough to balance the budget, so revenue must be increased. That means higher taxes. Since taxing the poor and middle will drastically impact consumer spending and the economy, it has to be the rich.

America is a great nation. We are great because we have so much going on. That requires a big government. A big government has to be paid for. That requires taxing the rich, because the poor simply lack the funds to create that. Essentially, the rich have created this big government so the rich have to support it.

Lately they have been trying to get out of it, trying to ignore the facts.

The only way America can be great is to tax the rich more.
If the rich were taxed at the same level as everybody else, American would not be great.

It simply cannot happen without taxing the rich at higher levels.

Just basic fact.
If the rich were taxed at the same level as everybody else, American would not be great
Then you should be happy. The rich (higher earners) are already taxed significantly higher than low and middle earners. I'm glad we can agree that America is great!

It simply cannot happen without taxing the rich at higher levels.
Which they already are.

Just basic fact.

I may have misunderstood yor original premise, Politalker. I don't have an issue with our current, progressive tax structure. If you are proposing tax increases, I would disagree however.
Then you should be happy. The rich (higher earners) are already taxed significantly higher than low and middle earners. I'm glad we can agree that America is great!

Which they already are.


I may have misunderstood yor original premise, Politalker. I don't have an issue with our current, progressive tax structure. If you are proposing tax increases, I would disagree however.

If he is proposing tax increases...I AGREE WITH HIM.

The tax increases should be significant!
If he is proposing tax increases...I AGREE WITH HIM.

The tax increases should be significant!

Sigh, Frank wants Apisa someone else's pie. Puns aside...
Speaking of pies, I like the pie analogy. Lower tax rates lead to a bigger economic pie (despite what leftys say about so called "trickle down" economics). A smaller percentage from a larger "pie" often leads to higher federal revenue. Unless your goal is to punish success, like B.O.
Then you should be happy. The rich (higher earners) are already taxed significantly higher than low and middle earners. I'm glad we can agree that America is great!

Which they already are.


I may have misunderstood yor original premise, Politalker. I don't have an issue with our current, progressive tax structure. If you are proposing tax increases, I would disagree however.

Rich tax rate hasd ropped precipitously since the 1950s. When Ike was in office, top tax rate was 90 percent. Now30. Do you see that as taxed to death? Then loopholes allow them to escape that tax. No ,the wealthy are not getting hurt by the taxes.
Sounds like a bunch of cubicle dwelling, never did a thing to make themselves richer folks on here. The wealthy pay their fair share per tax laws. To much as a matter of fact when you see what gets done with it.
Sigh, Frank wants Apisa someone else's pie. Puns aside...
Speaking of pies, I like the pie analogy. Lower tax rates lead to a bigger economic pie (despite what leftys say about so called "trickle down" economics). A smaller percentage from a larger "pie" often leads to higher federal revenue. Unless your goal is to punish success, like B.O.

No, we think revenue needs to be raised and we all know where the money has gone. What makes a bigger economic pie is demand. That comes from allowing the poor and middle class to thrive,. An elevated min wage would be a good start. The marginal spend their money. It creates demand. Demand is what causes hiring and expansion.
Success is not tax evasion.
Look at how much wealth the rich have.

Obviously, they are not taxed too much.

If rich men were being taxed into poverty, we would not see wealth inequality growing more extreme.

It is the moral obligation of the rich to help support the less fortunate.

And I don't wanna hear any baloney about they earned it, they should get to keep it all, it is theirs to do as they please.

That's just selfishness.

They can do as they please with everything that is left after taxes.

Which is a LOT!

And it still will be after we raise taxes to a workable level to keep America great.