I only percolate my coffee. Drip coffee is for proles.

First of all, I never owned a percolator with a timer. I fix my coffee pot up the night before, and when my alarm goes off so does my coffee pot.

Plus that marvelous invention that allows me to steal the first cup before the pot is completed.

My perks brews in 3 minutes. One of the huge advantages of perk over drip.
Thanks, Mr. Starbucks!

He is right. The best coffee should be with freshly ground beans and good water. We have the most delicious well water at home. Perfect for coffee.

But my drip coffee maker is for waking me up and starting the day.

i actually drink this more than coffee now. absolutely the best tea i've ever had.
i realllllly don't like the taste but I have been known to have it occasionally if I need a major caffeine boost. I basically drink it like I am drinking shitty vodka though.

I've had it on super long road trips, mostly because it's fucking hot from the gas station. And it's cheaper than a BFC of Monster.
I enjoy a nice french vanilla or english toffee from a gas station during a long road trip. WTF Billy?!!? And most energy drinks taste like arse.
All those energy drinks taste like crap.

As far as coffee goes, I make coffee in two different ways for two different reasons.

The drip is for starting the day. The french press or espresso is for enjoying the coffee itself.
Tom is entirely correct - Tea is where it's at. And you can take that to the bank.

Exhibit A - Tea has the power to civilise the French.

All those energy drinks taste like crap.

As far as coffee goes, I make coffee in two different ways for two different reasons.

The drip is for starting the day. The french press or espresso is for enjoying the coffee itself.

As they are supposed to replace lost bodily fluids, it's fair to say that there are closer to sweat or urine.
I used to drink coffee a lot but now I can't stand the stuff, tea is far more refreshing and it's a proven antiseptic as well. So you don't get that rancid taste in your mouth as you do from coffee.
Tea just does horrible things to your teeth. It's almost as bad as beetle nut. Then again, you Brits have never been known for your pretty smiles, have you?

Actually I like both. I would argue that the South's greatest contribution to humanity is Iced Tea. Hot tea? Meh, that's kinda old world.
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