I realize this won't convince most you...


Verified User
...however, there may be a few of you sitting on the fence regarding the existence of God. Here's a little something to think about.

The lifecycle of a butterfly has four stages. In the third stage, it experiences a complete metamorphosis, from caterpillar to butterfly. Scientists have no clue how this is accomplished.

Now, think about this. A butterfly does not lay eggs until AFTER it becomes a butterfly. How does evolution account for this? It's the classic catch-22. It cannot lay eggs until after it changes into a butterfly. Since caterpillars cannot lay eggs, how did they exist in the first place in order to evolve the ability to transform themselves?

One more thing to thing to think about. The colors on a butterfly are NOT caused by pigments. It is actually the result of millions of microscopic protrusions These protrusions have the correct size and spacing to allow only certain wavelengths of light to be reflected. Not only that but these protrusions form symmetrical patterns on both wings. This is nanoscale engineering on a grand scale. Does anyone actually believe that all of this is the result of random mutations? Think about it.
...however, there may be a few of you sitting on the fence regarding the existence of God. Here's a little something to think about.

The lifecycle of a butterfly has four stages. In the third stage, it experiences a complete metamorphosis, from caterpillar to butterfly. Scientists have no clue how this is accomplished.

Now, think about this. A butterfly does not lay eggs until AFTER it becomes a butterfly. How does evolution account for this? It's the classic catch-22. It cannot lay eggs until after it changes into a butterfly. Since caterpillars cannot lay eggs, how did they exist in the first place in order to evolve the ability to transform themselves?

One more thing to thing to think about. The colors on a butterfly are NOT caused by pigments. It is actually the result of millions of microscopic provisions. These provisions have the correct size and spacing to allow only certain wavelengths of light to be reflected. Not only that but these protrusions form symmetrical patterns on both wings. This is nanoscale engineering on a grand scale. Does anyone actually believe that all of this is the result of random mutations? Think about it.

Great post

Actually many on the left don’t really understand evolution and how it really works.

They are just told it is “science” and they should always believe “science”

It also gives them a convenient place to hide from religion

Don’t expect rational responses from the left. You will get snark about dinosaurs etc

But to add on to your post, it is statistically impossible for evolution to be solely accountable for human beings in its current form.
Great post

Actually many on the left don’t really understand evolution and how it really works.

They are just told it is “science” and they should always believe “science”

It also gives them a convenient place to hide from religion

Don’t expect rational responses from the left. You will get snark about dinosaurs etc

But to add on to your post, it is statistically impossible for evolution to be solely accountable for human beings in its current form.

Reprobate minds. Literally, it means not approved by God. They have so deluded themselves that they are incapable of seeing the truth. They will never come to know Christ. They are already condemned to eternity in hell. The only thing left is for them to stop breathing. I do not feel any pity for them. They made their choice with the full understanding of what they were doing. They fully deserve their fate.
Reprobate minds. Literally, it means not approved by God. They have so deluded themselves that they are incapable of seeing the truth. They will never come to know Christ. They are already condemned to eternity in hell. The only thing left is for them to stop breathing.

Well, Grugore, I have to agree with the first part:

"I realize this won't convince most you... "
You made the choice to not believe. Like a typical leftist, you'll blame someone else for your choices.

I cant force my self to believe

Did you force your self to believe in something that made no sense to you?

Is burning millions of children in hell for eternity because they were raised in a different religion a wonderful idea to you?

it was one of the many things that made me not believe

under your belief most humans will burn in hell FOREVER

wether they were good decent people or not

that is an evil god
I cant force my self to believe

Did you force your self to believe in something that made no sense to you?

Is burning millions of children in hell for eternity because they were raised in a different religion a wonderful idea to you?

it was one of the many things that made me not believe

under your belief, most humans will burn in hell FOREVER

whether they were good decent people or not

that is an evil god

It does not matter what religion you are raised in. In fact, someone can live their whole life without being exposed to any religion and still go to Heaven. Because God judges the heart. All that's required is the believe in a Creator and the desire to live according to Gods law, which is engraved in every human heart. People instinctively know right from wrong. It is the ones who deliberately do evil who go to hell.
...however, there may be a few of you sitting on the fence regarding the existence of God. Here's a little something to think about.

The lifecycle of a butterfly has four stages. In the third stage, it experiences a complete metamorphosis, from caterpillar to butterfly. Scientists have no clue how this is accomplished.

Now, think about this. A butterfly does not lay eggs until AFTER it becomes a butterfly. How does evolution account for this? It's the classic catch-22. It cannot lay eggs until after it changes into a butterfly. Since caterpillars cannot lay eggs, how did they exist in the first place in order to evolve the ability to transform themselves?

One more thing to thing to think about. The colors on a butterfly are NOT caused by pigments. It is actually the result of millions of microscopic protrusions These protrusions have the correct size and spacing to allow only certain wavelengths of light to be reflected. Not only that but these protrusions form symmetrical patterns on both wings. This is nanoscale engineering on a grand scale. Does anyone actually believe that all of this is the result of random mutations? Think about it.

Great post

Actually many on the left don’t really understand evolution and how it really works.

They are just told it is “science” and they should always believe “science”

It also gives them a convenient place to hide from religion

Don’t expect rational responses from the left. You will get snark about dinosaurs etc

But to add on to your post, it is statistically impossible for evolution to be solely accountable for human beings in its current form.
It is illogical to use statistics to attempt to calculate the probability of an event occurring that has already occurred.
Mott, you just fucked up. You posted something that doesn't give a definitive explanation. You know what's coming next, right?

Don't care. Grugore is a neophyte who has probably never studied biology beyond a junior high school level. I just posted the link to show that yup....scientist do actually have a clue. I'm not about to start debating the willfully ignorant on a subject they have never seriously studied.
Don't care. Grugore is a neophyte who has probably never studied biology beyond a junior high school level. I just posted the link to show that yup....scientist do actually have a clue. I'm not about to start debating the willfully ignorant on a subject they have never seriously studied.

OK, sounds good.
Don't care. Grugore is a neophyte who has probably never studied biology beyond a junior high school level. I just posted the link to show that yup....scientist do actually have a clue. I'm not about to start debating the willfully ignorant on a subject they have never seriously studied.

Caterpillars cannot lay eggs. That's a fact. So, how did caterpillars exist in the first place?
It does not matter what religion you are raised in. In fact, someone can live their whole life without being exposed to any religion and still go to Heaven. Because God judges the heart. All that's required is the believe in a Creator and the desire to live according to Gods law, which is engraved in every human heart. People instinctively know right from wrong. It is the ones who deliberately do evil who go to hell.

then I don't need to believe to go to heaven huh

your memes are bumping into each other