I realize this won't convince most you...

One problem...Teflon specified mankind as we exist today.

no....he said evolution can't be solely accountable for what man is today.....and it can't....
even if you disregard origins you have to leave science behind to claim humans evolved from a single celled creature....
...however, there may be a few of you sitting on the fence regarding the existence of God. Here's a little something to think about.

Question: Why does it matter to you if some anonymous strangers on a backwater (sorry, Damo) politics forum believe in your version of god, or not?

As far as evolution goes, any living organism that you come up with can be explained using evolution rather than a magical sky being. This doesn't subtract a nanobit from the wonder and amazement we all (hopefully) feel when we contemplate our beautiful and diverse planet and its myriad of lifeforms.
I cant force my self to believe
Did you force your self to believe in something that made no sense to you?
Is burning millions of children in hell for eternity because they were raised in a different religion a wonderful idea to you?

it was one of the many things that made me not believe

Same here.
no....he said evolution can't be solely accountable for what man is today.....and it can't....
even if you disregard origins you have to leave science behind to claim humans evolved from a single celled creature....

Once again, he clearly specified modern man. He was not making a blanket statement about evolution.

I realize this topic gets you motivated and I don't mind having the broader discussion you so clearly want but kick it off yourself and let Don speak for himself.
Mott, you just fucked up. You posted something that doesn't give a definitive explanation. You know what's coming next, right?

he had no choice....science has no explanation.....a fervent and holy reverence for Mother Evolution is necessary to sustain your beliefs......
Once again, he clearly specified modern man. He was not making a blanket statement about evolution.

I realize this topic gets you motivated and I don't mind having the broader discussion you so clearly want but kick it off yourself and let Don speak for himself.

/shrugs.....you can take it anyway you want.....you are wrong either way.....who is don?....
he had no choice....science has no explanation.....a fervent and holy reverence for Mother Evolution is necessary to sustain your beliefs......

This is the difference between you and me. When pondering where the Universe came from and all life in the Universe your answer is to embrace faith and that's fine by me.

My answer to that question is "I don't know", and I don't pretend to know.
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This is the difference between you and me. When pondering where the Universe came from and all life in the Universe your answer is to embrace faith and that's fine by me.

My answer to that question is "I don't know", and I don't pretend to know.

....lol....yet here you are pretending to know that butterflies and people evolved......your faith is strong, bubba....
....lol....yet here you are pretending to know that butterflies and people evolved......your faith is strong, bubba....

All I did was ask Teflon Don to explain why modern man specifically was "statistically" (as he put it) impossible. That's all I did.

In addition, I just said in my previous post that I don't pretend to know, you're the one substituting faith for knowledge, not me, I never claimed to have faith.