I realize this won't convince most you...

because you cant understand science doesnt make it wrong

I understand that caterpillars cannot reproduce. That's a fact. So how did caterpillars reproduce before they gained the ability to become butterflies and lay eggs? The answer is that they could not. And there is not one shred of scientific evidence that shows otherwise.
I understand that caterpillars cannot reproduce. That's a fact. So how did caterpillars reproduce before they gained the ability to become butterflies and lay eggs? The answer is that they could not. And there is not one shred of scientific evidence that shows otherwise.

this post proves you don't understand at all

human children can not have babies either

they have to grow into adults first

same with the butterfly
It does not matter what religion you are raised in. In fact, someone can live their whole life without being exposed to any religion and still go to Heaven. Because God judges the heart. All that's required is the believe in a Creator and the desire to live according to Gods law, which is engraved in every human heart. People instinctively know right from wrong. It is the ones who deliberately do evil who go to hell.

post 12

millions of children don't believe in a "creator" as you define it

but they go to heaven?
this post proves you don't understand at all

human children cannot have babies either

they have to grow into adults first

same with the butterfly

You really are an idiot. A human baby does not transform into something else entirely. A caterpillar does. How did it evolve this ability to become a butterfly and lay eggs if it can't reproduce? You are simply too stupid to live.
post 12

millions of children don't believe in a "creator" as you define it

but they go to heaven?

Ever hear of a little thing called the age of accountability? Children are innocent until they are old enough to understand about God and make the decision of whether to accept or reject Him. That's strike two. Would you like to try again for the chance to prove your complete and utter stupidity? Come on. Go for the hat-trick.
Ever hear of a little thing called the age of accountability? Children are innocent until they are old enough to understand about God and make the decision of whether to accept or reject Him. That's strike two. Would you like to try again for the chance to prove your complete and utter stupidity? Come on. Go for the hat-trick.


and this isn't baseball
You really are an idiot. A human baby does not transform into something else entirely. A caterpillar does. How did it evolve this ability to become a butterfly and lay eggs if it can't reproduce? You are simply too stupid to live.

see you don't understand
its an insect
You really are an idiot. A human baby does not transform into something else entirely. A caterpillar does. How did it evolve this ability to become a butterfly and lay eggs if it can't reproduce? You are simply too stupid to live.

how Jesusy of you
The link is in the Bible. You might want to read it sometime.

“The Bible is the word of God"
"How can you be sure it's the word of God?"
"Because the Bible tells us so"
"Why believe the Bible?
"The Bible is infallible"
"How do you know it's infallible?"...

(Return to top)
...however, there may be a few of you sitting on the fence regarding the existence of God. Here's a little something to think about.

The lifecycle of a butterfly has four stages. In the third stage, it experiences a complete metamorphosis, from caterpillar to butterfly. Scientists have no clue how this is accomplished.

Now, think about this. A butterfly does not lay eggs until AFTER it becomes a butterfly. How does evolution account for this? It's the classic catch-22. It cannot lay eggs until after it changes into a butterfly. Since caterpillars cannot lay eggs, how did they exist in the first place in order to evolve the ability to transform themselves?

One more thing to thing to think about. The colors on a butterfly are NOT caused by pigments. It is actually the result of millions of microscopic protrusions These protrusions have the correct size and spacing to allow only certain wavelengths of light to be reflected. Not only that but these protrusions form symmetrical patterns on both wings. This is nanoscale engineering on a grand scale. Does anyone actually believe that all of this is the result of random mutations? Think about it.

All one can do is to make a blind guess on the question of whether gods exist or not.

Why anyone would think that his/her blind guess about the question is better than anyone else's blind guess...is beyond comprehension.

And to make an extended blind guess that not only do gods (a GOD) exist(s)...but that there is only one GOD and the Bible accurately describes the GOD and what pleases and what offends it...

...is near to insane.

Get over yourself on this, Grugore!