Senate Intel agrees with assessment that Russia meddled to help Trump
Trump and Sanders.
Senate Intel agrees with assessment that Russia meddled to help Trump
But It still adds up to zero evidence against Trump and collusion with Russia and the overwhelming bulk of it has nothing to do with Trump. So far what you've done is tantamount to claimming that JFK was in league with the mob because so many of them were busted on his watch.
Or the sign of some guy trying to make it right as he keeps remembering thingsSome were charged with lying to the FBI. Manafort, Flynn and others were forthcoming? Not at all.
Jared has changed his clearance paperwork many, many times. Another display of not lying?
Hillary didn't lose because of Russian bots or Comey. She lost because she ran a crap campaign when she ran at all. She lost because she is about as likeable as a rabid crocodile with a sore tooth and in many ways she lost, because she thought she had it won
Seems you should re-read the thread.
Or the sign of some guy trying to make it right as he keeps remembering things
Seems you should re-read the thread.
texts from trumpy jr telling Russians that he would love some dirt on hilary from a Russian source
But It still adds up to zero evidence against Trump and collusion with Russia and the overwhelming bulk of it has nothing to do with Trump. So far what you've done is tantamount to claimming that JFK was in league with the mob because so many of them were busted on his watch.
1. Mueller hasn't indicted Trump or any members of the Trump family.
2. If Trump and Putin did make a deal, it was worth it to keep Hillary out of the White House.
Oh yes the never ending ability of leftists to fabricate belief in things that do not exist...Bleat on, Gary. Dear Leader is probably not listening to you...but he loves the bleats from his flock.
Oh yes the never ending ability of leftists to fabricate belief in things that do not exist...
Nope treason was voting for Hillary the thief Clinton. The woman who has no principle or anything else that isn't for sale if the price is right including her soul. And please note were that not True she'd have left bill years ago.Yeah...the assholes who still support the abomination, Donald Trump...probably do feel that way.
Thinking that treason...but that doesn't matter to the people defending their Dear Leader.
Frankie AKA Yank Apenis says he hung out with Sinatra. Are you impressed?
Or you should.
1. Mueller hasn't indicted Trump or any members of the Trump family.
2. If Trump and Putin did make a deal, it was worth it to keep Hillary out of the White House.
I'm not either.
But Frankie (AKA Yank Apenis) apparently thinks we should be. Did you know that he even wrote an essay about it that he thinks is "proof" that he parties with the stars?
Well that would explain that amazing inability to separate his head from his backside. H'wood does that to you.