I Recently Took a Pole, yep... Just like that

Not too hairy though. I like it either way, shaven or unshaven. I like the feel of hairy pussy.

Yeah, you've never been molestered in the middle of the night by That 70s pussy.

If you had been, your mind would be changed.
Pubic hair up to the belly button. You wake up, and that's what's on you. What do you do?
Your dick is already buried in it. She is riding your penis. (with all that pubic hair) All you wanted to do was crash, and that's what happened.
You've been hella cool to her kids\
I played like I was asleep, but I never forgot That 70s pussy. I even told my friends about it.
Yeah, I've had better sexual experiences.
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The last time he had pussy was when pussy had him. He's all hat and no cattle.

Al-righty then!
The bad thing about me is IDGAF.
Pussy? IDGAF. I'm about real life.

Yes, I have had some good times but wtf is going on now?
I can't exactly count That 70s pussy molestering me in the middle of the night as good times. The good times I had were other than that.
Like my friend's wife I told that to.. That was good times.
Or my ex..
Like when I didn't touch myself for 3 days and she was sucking it and thought i was gonna fuck her.
I blasted her face so hard. :laugh:
I splatted her face and that was the end of it. :laugh:

LMAO! Yeah, I did that, and I'd do it again!

I gave her a towel. ;)
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I can't vouch for that site, just following your extension of the running gag that this thread is apparently built on.

LOL. I was wondering. :)

Word on the street is in a drunken stupor Katgut took ANOTHER pole last night. Cant seem to stop himself I guess. :| Who does he think he is....Jarod? :thinking:
Katgut has been addicted to taking pole for a long time. It all started one night when a friend of his asked him if he wanted to try smoking a little pole. Well,.....that was it,...HE WAS HOOKED! He loved it. Katgut smoked pole every chance he got after that. In the morning when he got up....at night before he went to sleep,....there he was,...smoking pole. As always, the bad just got worse. Now poor Katgut has moved up into the big leagues and is taking it direct instead of just smoking the pole as he had for so long. He needs an intervention,....and he needs it now.
I have been addicted to taking pole for a long time. It all started one night when a friend of mine asked me if I wanted to try smoking a little pole. Well,.....that was it,...I WAS HOOKED! I loved it. I smoked pole every chance I got after that. In the morning when I got up....at night before I went to sleep,....there i was,...smoking pole. As always, the bad just got worse. Now i moved up into the big leagues and am taking it direct instead of just smoking the pole as I had done for so long. I need an intervention,....and I need it now.

yes you do
seems to be the case

How many American kids named "John" hate their parents for naming them after a toilet? Kids can be mean. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Have you noticed no one is whining it's not a "current event"? Enjoy it while you can. :thup:
How many American kids named "John" hate their parents for naming them after a toilet? Kids can be mean. I wouldn't worry too much about it.

Have you noticed no one is whining it's not a "current event"? Enjoy it while you can. :thup:

Some are nicknamed "Long John".