Would a sober person forget two periods and a capital 'S' from those two sentences you squashed into one?
you get more desperate by the day
Would a sober person forget two periods and a capital 'S' from those two sentences you squashed into one?
Au contraire, I didn’t refer to the Constitution, which would require a capital letter. I talked of you having no constitution; an entirely different kettle of fish.
The word ‘constitution’ not only means a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed, but also ‘the genetic constitution of a species’. You would have neither if imagination did not exist. Any political constitution involves imagination to draw up. Remove imagination and you have no quills to write, nor paper to write on, let alone clothes to wear, desks or any other tools or ideas. Take away imagination and you would not survive as a species. So in a nutshell, Domer, if your ancestors didn’t concoct their reality, to use your words, they would have died off about 55 million years ago. How you ever survived is beyond me.![]()
Plenty of 'em.
By far the likeliest explanation is this. Like many of us, Trump saw the video footage of a few dozen Palestinians celebrating in East Jerusalem (strangely, the all-powerful liberals never managed to suppress the record of that one). He also picked up internet scuttle-butt alleging that some Arabs had been partying in Jersey City.
From this, and possibly other garbage, Trump concluded that he had watched as thousands and thousands of Arabs cheered the 9/11 attacks in Jersey City. Maybe he believed it, maybe not; but that's what he said, and he stuck to it.
So the question is: would you prefer the most powerful man in the world to be delusional or a damned liar?
What does "diva"mean to you? I immediately think of a black woman who spends hundred on her weave and has three inch fake nails.
Sure! Some of your best friends are Muslims, right? That's how you know they were delighted with the 9/11 attacks.
Do you know a single Muslim?
My ancestors had ZERO to do with your “imagine/if” Trump concoction.
Your rambling verbosity is noted. Lay off the bottle.
NO way the shit this asshole is spewing is the result of drinking.
He must be doped up from his toes to ears.
And whatever he is using...is some bad shit.
What does "diva"mean to you? I immediately think of a black woman who spends hundred on her weave and has three inch fake nails.
Thanks for exposing his lie.
you get more desperate by the day
I always feel good when replying to you morons. Unlike you, there's no need for me to concoct my reality.
Without imagining things you would have no constitution, egg.
Was that supposed to be capitalized, dipshit? It’s bullshit, as is. Otherwise, pure gibberish.
Au contraire, I didn’t refer to the Constitution, which would require a capital letter. I talked of you having no constitution; an entirely different kettle of fish.
The word ‘constitution’ not only means a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed, but also ‘the genetic constitution of a species’. You would have neither if imagination did not exist. Any political constitution involve es imagination to draw up. Remove imagination and you have no quills to write, nor paper to write on, let alone clothes to wear, desks or any other tools or ideas. Take away imagination and you would not survive as a species. So in a nutshell, Domer, if your ancestors didn’t concoct their reality, to use your words, they would have died off about 55 million years ago. How you ever survived is beyond me.![]()
My ancestors had ZERO to do with your “imagine/if” Trump concoction.
Your rambling verbosity is noted. Lay off the bottle.
He must be doped up from his toes to ears.
And whatever he is using...is some bad shit.
Maxine Waters, eh? I think of Hillary Clinton, Maxine Waters, Elizabeth 'Pocahontas' Warren and Nancy Pelosi. The four that helped bring the Democratic Party to its knees; the four wicked witches of the West riding their Party to the ground as it chokes on its own socialist hatred and bile.
That is not thinking. It is swallowing right-wing propaganda like mothers milk.
Warren is a socialist pig interested in filling her pockets with your money.Warren has done nothing to earn righty hate except fight for the rights of consumers and bank customers.
She wrote 9 books on consumer protection and bankruptcy.
i guess millionaires like you hate pols who help the masses.
You're welcome. Stephanopoulos is just of many, in Fake News.
Trump wasn’t around then, so that’s not a brilliant observation. The point your fat head didn’t absorb is that your furry ancestors wouldn’t exist if they didn’t have an imagination. Americans would have no constitution were it not for imagination. You wouldn’t have written the sentence above without one either, though ignorance of politics, history and English would not be a barrier. Aside from being an ignoramus, you apparently have a fetish for being spanked on a discussion board.
Please. Keep your mind on the debate.
Warren is a socialist pig interested in filling her pockets with your money.
Nine books full of socialist claptrap and anti-capitalist propaganda, all aimed at letting people escape their financial commitments and avoid paying a price for their stupidity, at the price of taxpayers, banks and the wealthy.
That is not thinking. It is swallowing right-wing propaganda like mothers milk. Warren has done nothing to earn righty hate except fight for the rights of consumers and bank customers. She wrote 9 books on consumer protection and bankruptcy. She started the CPFB which forced banks to use normal English in contracts and mortgages. She has spent a life tiime helping stupid haters like you. You hate the women who are on the side of the regular citizens. i guess millionaires like you hate pols who help the masses.