There was no such provisions on round one. All you had to agree to was not to lay off your employees. It was the second round where you had to show diminished receipts that may be in trouble if they lied. But anyone who lied deserves what they get.Yep. And I'm not just talking about the usual beggars and thieves either. I'm also talking about a whole lot of legit businesses who signed the documents thinking that there was no way anything could ever be tracked because of the sheer volume. They were wrong.Hint hint.........most signed up listing the reason for the need for the loan to be used for PAYROLL. Thus the reason it was called the PAYROLL PROTECTION PROGRAM. In the document they signed they had to claim that they were in great NEED. The thing is though,....MANY businesses weren't slowed down AT ALL. Not one bit. Ours wasn't. Theirs weren't either.
Tic tic tic...........
I took the money because I understood I was going to be paying it back regardless.