I think Trump will win big

Not quite the blow-out that Reagan inflicted on Carter, but there are a lot of similarities. Carter destroyed the economy and was so weak on foreign policy that Iran became emboldened. Obama has reigned over the worst economic recovery ever and is so weak on foreign policy that Russia is dictating Mid-east policy.

Other things simply add to the margin.

As inept as he was, we all liked Jimmy Carter as a person. Even Clinton's followers don't like her. Jimmy's brother was a clown who tried to capitalize on Jimmy's fame by selling beer. Hillary's husband is a serial philanderer and abuser of women. To try and counter that, Hillary has trotted out 13 women with unconvincing stories.

Trump has focused on blue collar job growth and has a simple plan that even union guys can understand. Hillary is tied into Goldman Sachs.

Wikileaks has exposed the Big Media - Democrat Party - Huge Corporate Donor hypocritical clusterfuck that we all suspected and now, for the first time, have indisputable proof. Even Mike Moore endorsed Trump as the "the biggest fuck you" to this incestuous mess. Lots of people have come out to say that they are going to vote 'against the media'.

Hillary cannot rely on the black vote like Obama did. First of all, she's not black. Black women have a hard time relating to an entitled white woman. Black men don't like a controlling biatch. Trump is polling 20% and above with blacks- that alone spells trouble for the Democrat. I suspect many of the remaining 80% will choose to stay home.

Hillary will get a majority of the women vote simply because she is a woman. But a lot of woman hate her because she is a such a poor representative of their gender.

Millennials aren't suckling pigs on big media like older generations have been. Many don't even watch network TV- my kids certainly don't. Eight years ago most young folk got their news from comedian John Stewart. Today they get it from social media. And Trump has mastered that.

Do me a favor, define "win big"?
yes sir i certainly respect your opinion as well ..

however , one needn't be so glum " have to find that out the hard way..."

after all oBama has been "running the country" (into the ground) .. and he's a complete incompetent and abject failure ..
THe Bright side to Trump winning, it will be fun to watch him fail on his wall, if he even attempts to put it up.

It will be fun to watch him go to war with Congress.

It will be fun to watch him to go to war with foreign leaders.

I just hope I am wrong about his personality disorder.
yes sir i certainly respect your opinion as well ..

however , one needn't be so glum " have to find that out the hard way..."

after all oBama has been "running the country" (into the ground) .. and he's a complete incompetent and abject failure ..

When obama took over from bush the market was half what it is now... Hopefully the next president runs it into the ground as well
THe Bright side to Trump winning, it will be fun to watch him fail on his wall, if he even attempts to put it up.

It will be fun to watch him go to war with Congress.

It will be fun to watch him to go to war with foreign leaders.

I just hope I am wrong about his personality disorder.

While that may be funny, it could also be very costly.....

Po' paul ryan & bitch MCconnell
Tomorrow's polling will be very telling. We should be able to see if the shade Comey threw had any effect.

I suspect it knocks HRC down a couple points, but I doubt it will cost her the election. I don't know...
Tomorrow's polling will be very telling. We should be able to see if the shade Comey threw had any effect.

I suspect it knocks HRC down a couple points, but I doubt it will cost her the election. I don't know...

I think most have already made up their minds & millions have already voted....

If the Emails reveal nothing will the dirty cry more foul???
I think most have already made up their minds & millions have already voted....

If the Emails reveal nothing will the dirty cry more foul???

We wont know anything about what the emails are until likely February. They might simply be duplicates of what HRC already turned over.
" fail on his wall "
i think whatever else happens .. this will be his number 1 priority ..
i suspect he will issue some executive order to begin construction within the first 2 weeks in office ..
and break ground in a dozen places all at once ..
to a real estate developer of sky scraper fame .. the chance to build america's great wall .. with the name association .. will be irresistible .. it will literally 'cement' his legacy ..

It will be fun to watch him go to war with Congress.

Ohhh yes .. you better believe it .. he's going to be calling them out and shaming them on public television .. i suspect Ryan and McConnel will resign within 2 months ..

It will be fun to watch him to go to war with foreign leaders.

Some yes .. but .. overall he seems like a consensus deal maker .. i think he will get along with most of them quite well .. only if they try to double cross the USA trump would be very unforgiving i think ..

I just hope I am wrong about his personality disorder.

I'm not sure anyones personality is ordered precisely to any benchmark .. he is very conscious of himself .. his brand .. his family .. but he has a Winning Alpha Male personality type .. Precisely what we desperately need after the countrys' been run for so long by Beta males .. it's gonna be white knuckle sometimes .. but we're america .. we shouldn't always let the world eat our lunch .. we have poor people here in america that need jobs and growing incomes .. and self respect ..
Honestly, I don't see where you get this 'Trump will wage war on everything' belief. But then again, I more or less ignore the main stream press.
Just to Reinforce the OP >

With Polls Trending in the direction of Trump .. States that were Previously consitered Democrat Safe are Now opening up to Toss Up ..

Trump has used this Opening to Hold large Rallies in Both Michigan and New Mexico .. Delivering strong Performances .. Most nobably Reminding

the Voters in these States that a Hillary Presidency would rack the Country in Turmoil as she is Likely to Be Charged with ;

Purgury .. Obstruction of Justice .. Violation of the Espionage Act .. Violation of the Federal Records Keeping Act .. and Several Counts of Misappropriation of Funds and Fraud related to her "charity"

She would be seen as illegitimate if she is indicted before even being sworn in .. and then faces the prospect of having to pardon herself from high crimes .. an act that would leave her authority crippled from the outset .. with absolutely no mandate to lead ..

she is by the very definition Unfit for Office of the Presidency ..

This Truth has resonated with the People of Michigan and New Mexico .. especially because Hillary didn't spend any telivision advertising in either of these 2 states .. and it's now to late to buy spots .. these voters therfor have not been bludgened with the standard Clinton Advertisment Driven Brainwashing to the same extent as the traditional Battle Ground states .. So these rallies may have had a larger impact than they normally would have .
lol .. thanks for the comic relief ..

why not paint texas blue while you're at it .. just go full butt hurt

hmm lets' see ..
for accuracy sake > change RED

AZ .. CO .. IA .. UT .. NE .. OH .. VA .. NC .. FL .. PA

? TOSS-UPS ? .. NM .. MI .. WI .. NH .. VT .. ME

there you go ..

it has been my pleasure to rectify you're dillusion .. Leroy :D
One display .. is what i dislike about left wingers .. you try and ask a genuine question or engage in fair discourse .. but all you get is non-sense and name calling .

i wish just once i could have a conversation with depth and REAL content .. but i don't know why i bother .. don't you use your mind ? why so emotional ?

the old quote " hell is a place where there is no reason " .. i'm glad i don't live in my own personal hot-spot ..

think for yourself .. apply critical thinking skills and nobody would follow the demagoguery of the left ..

'liberalism' = societal suicide .. conservationism = preserving freedom

Perhaps you should start with your own reasonable post. Your post #17 was absolute garbage. When you post shit, expect to get shit back.
okay .. fair enough ..

i'm just still looking for an explanation of hillarys appeal .. but i'm glad you didn't vote for her and so thereby cannot offer one .. yes ..

i think you are correct .. people struggling to support hillary .. but Trump is far from a hard choice ..

he's our best hope to finally break the grip on the party of the corporatist wing of establishment republicans .. he will 'drain the swamp'

the republican elite is only 10% of the republican party .. but they have controlled it for decades .. they are more terrified of trump than the democrats ..

'Drain the swamp'. What a laugher. Why none of you figured you he has been nothing more than a snake oil salesman all along is beyond me. He is a self-agrandizing buffoon. Nothing more
"self-agrandizing buffoon"

that's a caricature created by the corrupt media .. the press .. ideally .. should be un-biased and be a watch dog over the government ..

instead the 4th column has become the 5th estate .. and is effectively a mouth piece of the state ..

fortunately .. now .. most people see through the disinformation and bias .. they have taken it to far - to the point that it is become a parody of a parody ..

use critical thinking skills and form your own fact based opinions ..

* * * *

post #17 was absolutely accurate ..

it's a constant disappointment ; the inability of the left , to debate with some semblance of reason , and accept any kind of facts or truth ..

for instance .. many on the left are in total denial that hillary clinton is irrefutably guilty of a litany of high crimes ..

if they were intellectually honest , they would see the obvious and at least say ..

"yes she is a liar , she is a criminal , but i will vote fore her anyways because that doesn't matter to me "

at least i would respect this line of reasoning as based in reality and truth ..

i just want honest debate .. but 'liberalism' always fails when confronted with honesty .. so .. it's back to emotion and irrational insults ..

please . prove me right
"self-agrandizing buffoon"

that's a caricature created by the corrupt media .. the press .. ideally .. should be un-biased and be a watch dog over the government ..

instead the 4th column has become the 5th estate .. and is effectively a mouth piece of the state ..

fortunately .. now .. most people see through the disinformation and bias .. they have taken it to far - to the point that it is become a parody of a parody ..

use critical thinking skills and form your own fact based opinions ..

* * * *

post #17 was absolutely accurate ..

it's a constant disappointment ; the inability of the left , to debate with some semblance of reason , and accept any kind of facts or truth ..

for instance .. many on the left are in total denial that hillary clinton is irrefutably guilty of a litany of high crimes ..

if they were intellectually honest , they would see the obvious and at least say ..

"yes she is a liar , she is a criminal , but i will vote fore her anyways because that doesn't matter to me "

at least i would respect this line of reasoning as based in reality and truth ..

i just want honest debate .. but 'liberalism' always fails when confronted with honesty .. so .. it's back to emotion and irrational insults ..

please . prove me right

20-25% of Democrats will secretly vote for Trump? He will get 50% of the black vote? Pull your head out of your ass, pal. You're delusional.

Yeah, a self-aggrandizing buffoon. He has the policy knowledge of a chimpanzee. Obviously, you haven't been paying attention. That's obvious from your posts.
Many Democrats have Told me that they are Voting for Donald this time ..

And there are many more who will just be silent on the Issue .. But make the Right Decision in the Voting Booth ..

He will get at least 20% of the black vote .. but i hope this can be increased ..

Black folks are not Dumb .. I believe they are keen to Protect their Freedom More then any Other Segment of the Population .

The Left wants to Destroy the Constitution .. Specifically the Bill of Rights .

The Constitution allows us to Speak Freely [amd. 1]

The Constitution allows us to Defend our Lives and Property [amd. 2]

The Constitution allows us Privacy of our houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures [amd. 4]

The Constitution allows us Protection from Police Brutality , No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime Without Charge , or be compelled to provide evidence against themselves under duress .. [amd. 5]

The Constitution allows us to speedy trial in case of a charge , to deny indefinite detention [amd. 6]

The Constitution allows us protection from; Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted [amd. 8]

The Constitution relegates that; The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people [amd .10]

How well would the Black Community .. or any Community for that matter .. fare .. Without the Protection of our Natural Rights ..
Will you be naming the democrats that told you that?? Or did they make you swear to secrecy???