I think Trump will win big

Many Democrats have Told me that they are Voting for Donald this time ..

And there are many more who will just be silent on the Issue .. But make the Right Decision in the Voting Booth ..

He will get at least 20% of the black vote .. but i hope this can be increased ..

Black folks are not Dumb .. I believe they are keen to Protect their Freedom More then any Other Segment of the Population .

The Left wants to Destroy the Constitution .. Specifically the Bill of Rights .

The Constitution allows us to Speak Freely [amd. 1]

The Constitution allows us to Defend our Lives and Property [amd. 2]

The Constitution allows us Privacy of our houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures [amd. 4]

The Constitution allows us Protection from Police Brutality , No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime Without Charge , or be compelled to provide evidence against themselves under duress .. [amd. 5]

The Constitution allows us to speedy trial in case of a charge , to deny indefinite detention [amd. 6]

The Constitution allows us protection from; Excessive bail shall not be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted [amd. 8]

The Constitution relegates that; The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people [amd .10]

How well would the Black Community .. or any Community for that matter .. fare .. Without the Protection of our Natural Rights ..


"Many Democrats"? Sounds just like Trump's "some have said" bullshit.

Democrats destroying the Constitution? What a fucking moron! What right wing source do get this shit from?
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Look for the Truth .. [hint] it's in plain sight ..

Last week [oBama]

"We are going to have to rebuild within this wild-wild-west-of-information flow
some sort of curating function that people agree to,"
Obama said at an innovation conference in Pittsburgh.

"There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information
that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard,
because they just don't have any basis in anything that's actually happening in the world,"

Obama added.

/ Please allow me to Introduce you to Censorship ..

who decides this :
[ information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard ]

what happened to the 'liberal' saying

" i disagree with what you say , but will fight to defend your right to say it "

is the new 'liberal' saying ?

" i disagree with what you say , so i will assign a bureaucrat to censor you "

what if the party in charge changes republican ??

will you still be so enthusiastic in your desire for approval of 'curating' free speech ?

Where in the first amendment does it say this is allowable ?

It is a seed .. I will not water it with approval of facism and intolerance ..

This is JUST one of the Most Recent Examples of how [Democrats are destroying the Constitution] ^
Look for the Truth .. [hint] it's in plain sight ..

Last week [oBama]

"We are going to have to rebuild within this wild-wild-west-of-information flow
some sort of curating function that people agree to,"
Obama said at an innovation conference in Pittsburgh.

"There has to be, I think, some sort of way in which we can sort through information
that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard,
because they just don't have any basis in anything that's actually happening in the world,"

Obama added.

/ Please allow me to Introduce you to Censorship ..

who decides this :
[ information that passes some basic truthiness tests and those that we have to discard ]

what happened to the 'liberal' saying

" i disagree with what you say , but will fight to defend your right to say it "

is the new 'liberal' saying ?

" i disagree with what you say , so i will assign a bureaucrat to censor you "

what if the party in charge changes republican ??

will you still be so enthusiastic in your desire for approval of 'curating' free speech ?

Where in the first amendment does it say this is allowable ?

It is a seed .. I will not water it with approval of facism and intolerance ..

This is JUST one of the Most Recent Examples of how [Democrats are destroying the Constitution] ^

Get off the bong. Too much THC for you
Not quite the blow-out that Reagan inflicted on Carter, but there are a lot of similarities. Carter destroyed the economy and was so weak on foreign policy that Iran became emboldened. Obama has reigned over the worst economic recovery ever and is so weak on foreign policy that Russia is dictating Mid-east policy.

Other things simply add to the margin.

As inept as he was, we all liked Jimmy Carter as a person. Even Clinton's followers don't like her. Jimmy's brother was a clown who tried to capitalize on Jimmy's fame by selling beer. Hillary's husband is a serial philanderer and abuser of women. To try and counter that, Hillary has trotted out 13 women with unconvincing stories.

Trump has focused on blue collar job growth and has a simple plan that even union guys can understand. Hillary is tied into Goldman Sachs.

Wikileaks has exposed the Big Media - Democrat Party - Huge Corporate Donor hypocritical clusterfuck that we all suspected and now, for the first time, have indisputable proof. Even Mike Moore endorsed Trump as the "the biggest fuck you" to this incestuous mess. Lots of people have come out to say that they are going to vote 'against the media'.

Hillary cannot rely on the black vote like Obama did. First of all, she's not black. Black women have a hard time relating to an entitled white woman. Black men don't like a controlling biatch. Trump is polling 20% and above with blacks- that alone spells trouble for the Democrat. I suspect many of the remaining 80% will choose to stay home.

Hillary will get a majority of the women vote simply because she is a woman. But a lot of woman hate her because she is a such a poor representative of their gender.

Millennials aren't suckling pigs on big media like older generations have been. Many don't even watch network TV- my kids certainly don't. Eight years ago most young folk got their news from comedian John Stewart. Today they get it from social media. And Trump has mastered that.

^Spot on.
The general victory of McCarthyism has meant that vast numbers of people dissatisfied with the crappy capitalist system as it affects them are not allowed to look for a rational alternative and are therefore indulging in a nihilistic wave of irrational destruction, so a victory for the fat Martian is possible, doubtless. I would suggest, though, that you carefully hide all those bang-bangs of yours in that case, because you'll have to fight another Civil War to get free.

^Moron on steroids.
I actually think he'll win now, but it will be by a small margin in the electoral. Democrats have too many states locked up at this point - those kinds of landslides for the GOP simply won't happen anymore, until the party changes its demographics.

.....As-far-as what they tell YOU, anyhow!!

Hillary will win, I hope it is by a large enough margin so the usual Trump whining will be minimized. Going forward Jason Chaffetz, aka Julian Assange lookalike will investigate investigate and investigate, wasting America's money as they did during the last Clinton presidency. Hillary hatred, while born of misogyny and jealousy, will continue unabated among the ignorant followers of right wing agitprop. Nothing new there, it been going on for thirty years or more. Hopefully the democrats get the senate as anyone can see republicans accomplish nothing. Been that way for eighty years.

No nation was ever founded by conservatives, no positive policy was ever created by conservatives, in order to do something, anything, they'd have to stop whining and pointing fingers, but then what would they to be.

:rofl2: Need help packing for Cuba Comrade? :rofl2:
You pretty-obviously forgot about the numbers o' Republicans who will be voting for Hillary, to (finally) FIX Trumpy's ass......much like their OVERWHELMING numbers o' wives/daughters (living within a White-wing tyrants' home) who will be voting for Hillary.....just to FIX their (assumed) PATRIARCH'S ass!!!!

Granted, there won't be a lot o' BLATANT nose-rubbing (as a result o' Trumpy's SLAUGHTER), from either group.....due to the Trumpoids' inability to sate their NEED for blood, after having their agenda eviscerated, but.....the sun will shine (once) again, on a new Dem Presidency.....and, the covert-investmentS, in all o' those FEMA camps, will once (again) be seen as "a good thing".


CLINTON 3.0!!!


