I thought the religious right hated Catholics?

So, you dont think they worship the pope instead of jesus?

No. I said lefties hared Catholics because RCC is against abortion.
I literally know exactly zero leftys in real life who hate Catholics.

Our presidential nominee is a devout Roman Catholic.

Your nominee is an atheist who worships money
I read that Barret, who Trump is supposed to be picking is in a Christian cult, People of Praise". What's new? Trump is an atheist but will follow orders from the religious right. This admin is such a mess.
I literally know exactly zero leftys in real life who hate Catholics.

Our presidential nominee is a devout Roman Catholic.

Your nominee is an atheist who worships money

All lefties hate pro life.
Cant be a devout RCC and accept abortion, makes him a liar.
No. I said lefties hared Catholics because RCC is against abortion.

Lefties ARE Catholics. The RCC is also against divorce, gay marriage, adultery and other issues but it doesn't stop people from (doing those things) or (committing those sins), depending on your point of view.
Many probably do, and that is their business. I know many who understand what it means to be born again, and are, they simply go through the religious exercises of the Catholic Church! As long as they understand what it means to have a personal relationship, to confess, repent, and accept the free gift God gave I don't much care what else they do!

Don't be ridiculous, Catholics don't "worship" the Pope. Some of them don't even respect him.