Business cycle fluctuations are usually characterized by general upswings and downturns in a span of macroeconomic variables. The individual episodes of expansion/recession occur with changing duration and intensity over time. Typically their periodicity has a wide range from around 2 to 10 years (the technical phrase "stochastic cycle" is often used in statistics to describe this kind of process.) Such flexible knowledge about the frequency of business cycles can actually be included in their mathematical study, using a Bayesian statistical paradigm.[2]
You are calling the inflation due to a business cycle?
For fuck's sakes bitch...think?
The left is calling the inflation rise to do with supply problems resulting from the Covid Depression/recovery.
And that is NOT cyclical.
The right/center are calling the inflation due to excessive government/Fed spending.
Again...NOT cyclical.
So explain to us all, cow?
How the fuck this inflation - which BOTH sides are saying is NOTHING to do with a cyclical economy.
Is caused by a cyclical economy (your business cycle fluctuations)?