Matt Dillon
Semolina comes from wheat
Start your race war idiot
See how quick you get dead

Start your race war idiot
See how quick you get dead
What race war, desh?
they have lost already
They will not gain the senate
They will not win the house
We will make the laws work for the people so they will never get this far again
So you don't really care about stopping 90% of mass shootings, you just want to disarm all Americans. Do I have that correct?
I hope you're right. But we need to do what the GOP did for years - infest the school boards, infest the state legislatures.
Only then can we repair the damage that's been done. The Dems were so stupid not to see the GOP pigs were playing the long game.
We need a new crop of Democrats. Smart ones and ones with a backbone. Had Pelosi been Majority Leader, not of that McConnell bullshit would have happened. Maybe that's it - we need more strong women in office.
Like Nancy.
As soon as you started blaming "the left" I stopped reading. It's not the left who advocates for guns and more guns in the hands of kids, its you. Fucking take responsibility for one time in your life.
And the problem is "the firearm". There's objective proof. Look at all the western democracies who've banned guns and how few shootings they have. We're up to 400 in 2022 so far and the year's not over.
The objective proof says I'm correct. The Left has instituted gun bans in other nations. One of the strictest bans is in the UK.
Banning weapons didn't stop murders and other violent crime. Criminals simply turned to different tools to accomplish the same ends. It'd be no different here. If you do nothing about the mentally ill and criminal minded, you do nothing to stop crime.
A craftsman doesn't blame his tools when he makes a mistake...
What was wrong with that kid who did the Uvalde shooting? Plenty of people suspected he had serious issues, but nobody did anything worthwhile to help him. That was the problem.
How many mass shootings have there been in GB in 2022? Here are the stats from 2018:
19 Countries with the Most School Shootings (total incidents Jan 2009-May 2018 - CNN):
United States — 288
Mexico — 8
South Africa — 6
India — 5
Nigeria & Pakistan — 4
Afghanistan — 3
Brazil, Canada, France — 2
Azerbaijan, China, Estonia, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Kenya, Russia, & Turkey — 1
So, how many mass shootings have their been in GB in 2022? In the US there have been over 400. So tell me again how their gun laws have "failed".
Next we can move onto Australia, their mass shootings in 2022 compared to ours. Since you're so into "statistics" why not look at the only one that matters?
So, you are worried only about a very rare event, and not concerned about the daily violence that otherwise occurs hum? Well, it still doesn't change anything. It isn't the weapon, it's the person behind it. That goes for using a car bomb, vehicle to plow through a crowd, some other sort of bomb, or whatever for a mass casualty incident. The weapon didn't kill and injure the victims, the person behind it did.
Alright, you don't think it's "the weapon". How many school car bomb attacks were there in GB in 2022? Then again, we can move onto Australia.
Why should kids in England, Australia, New Zealand, etc... get to sit in class without having to worry about being murdered and OUR kids do?
You've been missing my point. You've been doing it on purpose. Either you're being stubborn in your position or you simply love guns more than children.
It's got to be on of those two.
Murder is murder. Whether it's one person being killed or a hundred. You want to argue that only the occasions were dozens die warrants action. I argue we need to stop it regardless. I also argue that in all cases, the way to stop it is focus on those doing the killing, not their chosen method of doing it.
Taking the weapon is the lazy, ignorant way to deal with this. It's harder to figure out the person(s) and deal with that problem, but that's the one that counts.
Not sure yet. Run for office in TX - join or create an advocacy group to get the guns - .
I just know I'm going to get the guns.
We didn't have to look over our shoulders in our classrooms as kids, why should ours?
Your opinion of the solution being "lazy" or "ignorant" is noted. What I and most people tend to focus on are results.
I'm also intrigued you think that 400 occurrences constitute a "rare event". How many mass shootings do there have to be in one year for us to start worrying? Just curious.
What's changed is the Left has pushed the US into a social / racial nightmare of insanity that is causing kids to increasingly have serious mental health issues resulting in these sorts of situations. And, yes, it's the Left that's causing this.
I hope you filled the sanitizer dispenser. It looked like the cops were concerned with proper hygiene.
In 2021, there were about (the numbers vary some) 21,500 people killed in murders in the US. Of that 705 were killed in mass shootings. That represents about 3% of all murders. That makes mass shootings rare events and you should be far more concerned about just being murdered in general--particularly if you are Black.
The one you so desire
The one you will quickly lose
Good that you brought up "being black". Because if I was, I'd just be worried about getting pulled over and getting beaten to death by cops.
But regarding guns, here are the facts.
1. I am NOT concerned about being murdered in my classroom.
2. Most kids in America are now.
Those are the only facts I give a shit about. So should you. But you think being heavily armed is "kewl". Well, I think you can be safe without a military weapon and armor piercing shells that fire automatically. I'm going to get those and you can call me "lazy" all you want.
Not sure yet. Run for office in TX - join or create an advocacy group to get the guns - .
I just know I'm going to get the guns.
We didn't have to look over our shoulders in our classrooms as kids, why should ours?