I went by a soccer game

This is American folks, they were doing what all red blooded Americans do, wasting their time playing games rather than studying so their teacher the next day doesn't have to ask why homework wasn't done. America worships three things, money, sports, and the common man, aka the dimwit. Actually number three is TV but I am being just very slightly facetious. Just slightly.
This is American folks, they were doing what all red blooded Americans do, wasting their time playing games rather than studying so their teacher the next day doesn't have to ask why homework wasn't done. America worships three things, money, sports, and the common man, aka the dimwit. Actually number three is TV but I am being just very slightly facetious. Just slightly.

and how great is this country that the average dimwitt with a public high school education averages $47,000 annually.
Wrestling is definitely a gay sport.

LOLZ it creeped me out when I was a kid. I was not into grappling in my underwear. That and neck stretching exercise fucking literally freaked me out watching other people. It looks likes those skinny fuckers are gonna break their fucking necks
This is American folks, they were doing what all red blooded Americans do, wasting their time playing games rather than studying so their teacher the next day doesn't have to ask why homework wasn't done. America worships three things, money, sports, and the common man, aka the dimwit. Actually number three is TV but I am being just very slightly facetious. Just slightly.

wait, you are actually commenting on the imaginary soccer game and the wholesome inhabitants of your version. LOL too funny
LOLZ it creeped me out when I was a kid. I was not into grappling in my underwear. That and neck stretching exercise fucking literally freaked me out watching other people. It looks likes those skinny fuckers are gonna break their fucking necks
Topspin is into it because he's gay.
This whole "Above Plain Politics" lark is going well, no?

Can't you tell! LOL I love the groans and stars and rep points, kindergarten is back in session in America. Now when you have no comeback or rational thought you can always neg rep.

"If you can't answer a man's arguments, all is not lost; you can still call him vile names." Elbert Hubbard
the main reason SM is afraid of topspin is wrestling in college, he knows he stands zero chance thus has proven to be a coward by not accepting the challenge.

one corner the perfect BMI skier, in the other college wrestler, black belt who you putting your money on if the we have a luner eclipse and SouthernCoward finds his spine?
the main reason SM is afraid of topspin is wrestling in college, he knows he stands zero chance thus has proven to be a coward by not accepting the challenge.

one corner the perfect BMI skier, in the other college wrestler, black belt who you putting your money on if the we have a luner eclipse and SouthernCoward finds his spine?
Tell you what Topshit you meet me at the top of KT-22 GS Bowl in Squaw Valley with a set of 180cm race skis and we'll see if you have courage against your own gravity. :cof1: