Ideal Man/Woman?

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This came up in another thread, but it seemed like a way to waste a little more time.

Guys, what is your ideal woman?

Ladies, what is your idea man?

You will notice I didn't wask what the ideal looked like. Hopefully there is more to it than that. But looks matter a lot to some folks.

So if you had a magick "Lover Genie" how would you describe what you wanted?
I like Big Brains and I cannot lie!
You other posters cannot deny...
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
waving big words in your face
You get sprung!
This came up in another thread, but it seemed like a way to waste a little more time.

Guys, what is your ideal woman?

Ladies, what is your idea man?

You will notice I didn't wask what the ideal looked like. Hopefully there is more to it than that. But looks matter a lot to some folks.

So if you had a magick "Lover Genie" how would you describe what you wanted?

My first pass at screening, is whether or not they voted for Bush.

Another good way to screen someone, is their choice in reading material. If they haven't read a book since high school, forget about it. Walk away. Or, if they read People Magazine, run for the hills. Romance novels, just bail.

You'd be amazed how much insight you can get about a person, just by their taste in culture, movies, art, and books. That's really a good first cut.

Other than that, liberal, intelligent, educated, likes to travel, good values and morals, a social conscience.

Oh, sexy lingerie helps.
I like Big Brains and I cannot lie!
You other posters cannot deny...
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
waving big words in your face
You get sprung!


you get the post of the day award.
I like Big Brains and I cannot lie!
You other posters cannot deny...
That when a girl walks in with an itty bitty waist
waving big words in your face
You get sprung!

This is GREAT!!!


Absolutely brilliant.
It’s just so rare that these words are used in response to a Damo post…let’s all take a moment.

Damo, you seem like a fairly harmless fellow to me. But then I am new.

But Darla and LadyT seem to have put a bullseye on you and are having fun with target practice.

My friend, what the hell did you do? Not that I want to chastise you for it, but so I can avoid anything similar during my stay here.
Damo, you seem like a fairly harmless fellow to me. But then I am new.

But Darla and LadyT seem to have put a bullseye on you and are having fun with target practice.

My friend, what the hell did you do? Not that I want to chastise you for it, but so I can avoid anything similar during my stay here.

Nooo. We all love Damo.

It's just teasing.
I shall start with looks:

Though obviously I like super hot girls, They can be high maintenance. I also seem to be drawn to a lot of the down to earth, girl next door, cute looking girls. Probably more so than the former.

I will get into specifics of what I define as cute/hot if someone asks for clarification.

Now on to everything else:


I like a girl that's really outgoing and extroverted. I'm pretty introverted myself but for some reason I'm drawn to the contrast. However, it's also cool that a girl also enjoys downtime. Go to a club friday night, chill on the couch with me saturday night and watch a movie.

Also, I know a lot of girls are sensitive, but I kinda like a girl that doesn't have to always be handled with kid gloves. Yeah sure sometimes it's endearing but I don't always like having to tip toe around everything.

I also like quirkiness and spontaneity.

and I would also prefer a girl that is intelligent.

Political beliefs don't matter to me I can look past all that.

Most importantly I need a girl that likes me for me and doesn't try to change who I am. This is a pretty big one.


I have a low tolerance for bullshit. Girls can't guilt me. Especially over something that's not my fault.

I don't like naggers
I don't like girls that try to play mind games with me while in a relationship.
(i.e. saying nothing is wrong when there is actually something bothering you, making it so I have to pry it out of you)... this can be followed up by:
Indirectness, I hate that.

That's about it.
No wonder he is wired tight. That much teasing would do things to a guy.
oh yeah! We adore Damo. Outside of his fundamentally flawed politics, he's probably one of the most principled people I know.

Except when he's ranting about the Color Purple.
Damo, you seem like a fairly harmless fellow to me. But then I am new.

But Darla and LadyT seem to have put a bullseye on you and are having fun with target practice.

My friend, what the hell did you do? Not that I want to chastise you for it, but so I can avoid anything similar during my stay here.
It's my place. I'll always be a target.
Ideal woman?

Athletic - cause I like to play outside
Funny - she has to have a great sense of humor to put up with me
Intelligent - one of us should be
not one of toppys anorexic women - cause at 420 pounds I don't wish to break her.
Am I the only one who noticed that all of the guys seem to be describing me?

It’s amazing how everything always seems to end up being about me. I don’t get it.
Am I the only one who noticed that all of the guys seem to be describing me?

It’s amazing how everything always seems to end up being about me. I don’t get it.

Funny, I didn't see anyone looking for a duble digeter spinser man hatin GED wannabe.
