Ideal Man/Woman?

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This chick who fights in the Farc or this other female FARC commander named Karina who surrendered last month.

FARC is a neo-Marxist organization.

But they supply most of the US's cocaine, so I can see where you're coming from.
The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia – People’s Army (Spanish: Fuerzas Armadas Revolucionarias de Colombia – Ejército del Pueblo), also known by the acronym of FARC or FARC-EP, is a self-proclaimed Marxist-Leninist revolutionary guerrilla organization.

I have no clue what they would do if they ever took power. I don't really think they know either. But they never will and I don't think they ever intend to. They're making more money doing what they're doing than they ever would ruling Columbia.
I have no clue what they would do if they ever took power. I don't really think they know either. But they never will and I don't think they ever intend to. They're making more money doing what they're doing than they ever would ruling Columbia.


They have a "tax" on Cocaine, and control 20% of Columbia. They probably make more money than Saudi Arabia.
They work in the ultimate free market.

But anyway, do you see where I'm coming from about the girl?

Beautiful, dangerous, presumably rich.

What more could you ask in a woman?
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I take those kind of statistics with a grain of salt, but that sounds reasonable.

Possibly a bit lower with Peru and Ecuador.
I take those kind of statistics with a grain of salt, but that sounds reasonable.

Possibly a bit lower with Peru and Ecuador.

That's so funny. You remind me of the people who go to alanon meetings. Not that I would know or anything. :D
1.) Doesn't give up easily.
2.) Spiritual. (Protestant or Baptist)
3.) Good hygiene.
4.) Reliable - someone I can count on.
5.) Puts others before herself.

As for looks, it's not the highest priority. I'm just not very picky.

Although, I do tend to be most attracted to short women with big boobs. :)
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