Identical twins, one gay, one ain't


Loyal to the end
I've know one of them for a while, and met her identical twin sister only once. One had longer hair so that's the only way I could tell them apart. One is normal, married, one child. The other is gay, "domestic partner", and has a kid through artificial means.

Someone explain to me how this is possible, if homosexuality is a genetic trait.
It's something a lot of people don't want to talk about, though they should because I do think it hurts their argument when they ignore examples like this.

I think one being gay has more to do with societal conditioning, with being genetically disposed thrown in for good measure. I don't think anyone consciously chooses to be gay but I do believe they can be "swayed" that way through a lifetime of enviromental factors. Much like how some develop certain tastes for food. Very few people just wake up one day and decide they are going to start liking pizza, but their exposure to it, the way they have built up their pallet etc all contribute to them possibly liking pizza. I fucking HATE curry, but lots of indians like it. Did they choose to like that? No, they were just a product of their environment.

The conservative right has a vested interest in proving that it is all a choice because then they can feel less guilty about gay bashing. Like it's making fun of goths or something. "Don't like not having rights? well simply stop being a homo then!" etc . . .

With all that said, even if someone did just wake up and decide to be gay on whim, they should still not be punished for it and they should still have the right to get married to who they want and not be discriminated against.
also i should add that we should ALL have the right to marry whomever we want, because technically gays are treated equally under the law (when it comes to marriage) the same as heterosexuals, i.e. everyone can marry the opposite sex, and not the same sex. This is another argument many people don't like, but I don't enjoy being intellectually dishonest.
The nature of the artificial means isn't important to the issue. Neither is the issue of gay marriage.
also i should add that we should ALL have the right to marry whomever we want, because technically gays are treated equally under the law (when it comes to marriage) the same as heterosexuals, i.e. everyone can marry the opposite sex, and not the same sex. This is another argument many people don't like, but I don't enjoy being intellectually dishonest.

On appeal, the United States Supreme Court ruled that the criminalization of interracial sex was not a violation of the equal protection clause because whites and non-whites were punished in equal measure for the offense of engaging in interracial sex.
Well that settles it.

Southernman can choose to be gay if he wants to. I don't have that choice, as I strictly dig chicks, but if he insists. :shrug:
Well that settles it.

Southernman can choose to be gay if he wants to. I don't have that choice, as I strictly dig chicks, but if he insists. :shrug:

Wow with the ad-hom you're telling us right away that you've lost the argument. And the fact that you use "gay" as an insult while wishing it to be normal, moral and healthy- well that's just icing on the cake. :)

Prediction: Beefy will now claim that he didn't insult me.
I've know one of them for a while, and met her identical twin sister only once. One had longer hair so that's the only way I could tell them apart. One is normal, married, one child. The other is gay, "domestic partner", and has a kid through artificial means.

Someone explain to me how this is possible, if homosexuality is a genetic trait.
Study after study has shown differences in the actual brain activity of gay v. hetero people. This of course was trumpeted by gay activists as evidence that it was genetic rather than a choice or environmental.

There is some theory that the hormonal conditions in the womb can be part of what causes a proclivity towards this. It is what is theorized to be the reason that the third son of a couple has a far higher chance of being gay than the first son of the same couple. To understand this phenomena, scientists have begun to study brain activity that forms during gestation or just after, using brain scans. They did this to rule out the factor of learning.

Here is one of those studies:

(If you scroll down on the original screen after clicking the link you can choose skip and it will take you to the story without having to register.)

This, of course, leads some scientists to study the hormonal factors. Especially when they found that genetics is almost not a factor at all in female homosexuality. (That part is in the full publication of that study and seems not to be present in that article.)

If you use that theory and extend it here, it is possible that one twin got more than his fair share of testosterone in the womb.

This, of course, leads many homosexuals to deny the studies' implications as it may cause many people to seek hormonal therapy in the womb to "ensure" that their child will not have this particular hurdle to overcome.

Well. That's one explanation for it, at the least.

A second explanation is that genetics create a proclivity towards not a guarantee of homosexuality, this is particularly evident in males where it is shown that genetics may play a role but is not the sole significant factor.
Study after study has shown differences in the actual brain activity of gay v. hetero people. This of course was trumpeted by gay activists as evidence that it was genetic rather than a choice or environmental.

There is some theory that the hormonal conditions in the womb can be part of what causes a proclivity towards this. It is what is theorized to be the reason that the third son of a couple has a far higher chance of being gay than the first son of the same couple. To understand this phenomena, scientists have begun to study brain activity that forms during gestation or just after, using brain scans. They did this to rule out the factor of learning.

Here is one of those studies:

(If you scroll down on the original screen after clicking the link you can choose skip and it will take you to the story without having to register.)

This, of course, leads some scientists to study the hormonal factors. Especially when they found that genetics is almost not a factor at all in female homosexuality. (That part is in the full publication of that study and seems not to be present in that article.)

If you use that theory and extend it here, it is possible that one twin got more than his fair share of testosterone in the womb.

This, of course, leads many homosexuals to deny the studies' implications as it may cause many people to seek hormonal therapy in the womb to "ensure" that their child will not have this particular hurdle to overcome.

Well. That's one explanation for it, at the least.

A second explanation is that genetics create a proclivity towards not a guarantee of homosexuality, this is particularly evident in males where it is shown that genetics may play a role but is not the sole significant factor.

They are genetically equal, being identical twins.
Identical twins have the same blood supply.

Yes they do, but they also have slightly different birth weights. Identical twins have had as much as a 25% difference in body weights at birth and growing up.


"While identical twins form with the same set of genes, human development is not just genetic. The environment also has an impact. So, beginning in the early environment of the womb, external influences can change the appearance of twins. For example, some monozygotic twins share a placenta. One twin may have a more advantageous connection to the placenta, receiving the first run of nutrients. This situation can cause a size discrepancy between the babies, a physical difference that continues as they grow up."

So while they share the blood supply, they do not necessarily get the exact same amounts.