"I REPEAT: TO SUPERFREAK.... in case it got lost..."
I was getting to it, I just saw Trogs response and wanted to read the AMA article first... so nana nana na na....
"May I ask, HOW you can make this decision if the Mother and the unborn child are BOTH humans and are both deserving of all Human rights alotted to humans, as you have stated above?"
If it is a situation where it is one life or the other... then obviously one has to die. The woman should have the right in that case to choose, to save the life of the child or her own.
"In this dire situation, why is the mother's life always chosen OVER the unborn child?"
It does not have to be ALWAYS... it should be up to the mother in that case.
"Even in hospitals, the rule is that the life of the mother supercedes that of the unborn child...but as I mentioned, WHY?"
I am not a doctor, so this is just a guess.... my guess is that because in the majority of the situations where it is one life vs. the other, the mother is going to be the easier life to save.
"Even in the old testament, the life of the mother supercedes the life of the unborn child...why?"
I don't know... but then again, I never really paid much attention to the old testament.
"Has the determination that a BORN human being's life is more valuable than the UNBORN's life and if so, THEN doesn't that mean that a "lesser worth" is given to the unborn child, NOT making them on equal footing as you have expressed to Jarod that you feel they are equal, even in their earliest stages you put them equal....?"
I guess to answer this... yes, I do think they are equal, the current laws do not. But as equals, when both lives are on the line, the mother is the one that should decide if it will be her or her child that lives.
"Just logically, the mother's life is chosen over the unborn child in MOST everyone's mind....?"
I am not even going to try to guess what is in "most" peoples minds.
"I realize that abortion, in general is not a life or death situation, yet always choosing the mother over the unborn child also shows that an unborn does NOT have the same worth EVEN in your mind, no?"
Again, I beleive they have equal rights. In my opinion, if the mothers life is not in danger, then the childs life should supercede her preferences.... and I don't beleive I have ever said anything to indicate otherwsie.