If An Election Is Compromised By Foreign Influence, Why Dont We Get A Take Over?

Hello Flash,

But that information doesn't tell us whether any American voter was influenced by a post from a Russian or an American. If Kudzu has voted Republican for he last 20 years and has multiple anti-Hillary memes on his Facebook page and some were from Russians, did those Russian memes really influence Kudzu or did we know 20 years ago Kudzu would vote Republican in 2016 because he always does to?

That's a really good point. It appears to be impossible to differentiate.
Hello Flash,

That's a really good point. It appears to be impossible to differentiate.

I think the problem would be dealt with by states refusing to certify electors (and/or Congress refusing to certify) if they think the election results were questionable (like 1876). Deciding after the results have been certified and holding another election would require a constitutional amendment. But we can't amend the Constitution every time some special possibly one-time problem arises--that is why the founders made it so difficult to amend. Would there need to be proof the meddling changed the election results? If not, there has probably been some meddling in several of our past elections.

What about all the elections the U. S. and Soviets/Russians have meddled in over the years?
Hello cawacko,

OK, I see what you're saying.

Naturally, any new legislation or Amendment intended to deal with election tampering would have to have checks and balances to prevent every election loser from throwing out the results.

We already have a number of people who believe all elections today are all ready stolen. What you're proposing would eliminate any legitamacy of our government.
Hello cawacko,

We already have a number of people who believe all elections today are all ready stolen. What you're proposing would eliminate any legitamacy of our government.

We already have some who place zero legitimacy in our government. And sometimes they have even taken up arms against the government and lost.

I submit that with the advent of the 2016 election, and news cycle regurgitation about Russian influence, our election process could presently use something on the plus side to reassure Americans that it is indeed worth voting.
Did you read the whole link?

Yes, but I see nothing that addresses the original issue of how new elections could be held or determining how many Americans had their views influenced. The fact that Hillary got 3 million more votes suggests it was not that effective.
Hello cawacko,

I think they will most definitely be tampered with. This was not foreseen by the founding fathers. It was not an issue in those times but it is now.

We do have a government and we shall have one going forward. How corrupt will it be? The forefathers set this government up. It falls upon us, 'We The People' living now, to preserve it. Yes, our government faces challenges. We need to address those.

Because our politics have become so polarized, we have become dysfunctional. We should be solving this election integrity issue pronto. Our lawmakers are so partisan they can't get the things done that we need them to.

In the old days we didn't have the reach for those types of influences to occur. The internet lets info from just about any place, get just about any where. Facebook royally screwed things, when the news was filtered by various things person to person. I'm glad they are working to fix that.
I said scroll down .. its about hate manifestos.

I don't think that has anything to do with Russia unless you think Bernard Goldberg, Fox news, or Glenn Beck are Russian agents. That kind of talk and hate has been around for many years from both sides with groups involved in bombings, shootings, etc. I think we are downplaying the power of crazy Americans to stir up crazy ideas (the latest being the "crisis actors" in Florida).
I don't think that has anything to do with Russia unless you think Bernard Goldberg, Fox news, or Glenn Beck are Russian agents. That kind of talk and hate has been around for many years from both sides with groups involved in bombings, shootings, etc. I think we are downplaying the power of crazy Americans to stir up crazy ideas (the latest being the "crisis actors" in Florida).

they are

Russian dirty

they repeated the Russian lies
Hello cawacko,

I think they will most definitely be tampered with. This was not foreseen by the founding fathers. It was not an issue in those times but it is now.

We do have a government and we shall have one going forward. How corrupt will it be? The forefathers set this government up. It falls upon us, 'We The People' living now, to preserve it. Yes, our government faces challenges. We need to address those.

Because our politics have become so polarized, we have become dysfunctional. We should be solving this election integrity issue pronto. Our lawmakers are so partisan they can't get the things done that we need them to.

because the republican party has subverted democracy for decades by cheating voters out of their rights
lets not forget the republican party cheats Americans out of their rights to be represented


ID laws

voter purges

killing voter registration groups
they are

Russian dirty

they repeated the Russian lies

How do you know which lies were Russian and which lies were from American sources?

How do you know if any of those lies influenced any voters? Anybody watching Fox news, reading the Bernard Goldberg book, or watching Glen Beck is probably already voting for Trump.