If An Election Is Compromised By Foreign Influence, Why Dont We Get A Take Over?

How do you know which lies were Russian and which lies were from American sources?

How do you know if any of those lies influenced any voters? Anybody watching Fox news, reading the Bernard Goldberg book, or watching Glen Beck is probably already voting for Trump.

Mueller knows where the lies came from
It started back around the time republicans started saying what a good leader Putin is

I posted Putins history and how he cheated to keep the top spot

when the posters just ignored all those cold hard facts I realized no REAL American would be stroking putins cock like that

I started teasing them with

Who signs those checks Isis sends you ...the Koch brothers?

I started telling people there was NO gaurantee that the posters were all Americans

that some of the posters are saying things an American would never say

I was correct

I just didn't realize the Russian input
In the old days we didn't have the reach for those types of influences to occur. The internet lets info from just about any place, get just about any where. Facebook royally screwed things, when the news was filtered by various things person to person. I'm glad they are working to fix that.

There are a lot of people glad they never signed up for FB.