If Bush is so bad

Wasn't the promise of impeachment one of the things that led many to vote Democrat in '06?

I dont recall that. Do you have any evidence to proove it?

It seemed to me is was about trying to end a failed and distructive war which was making us less safe.
Results 1 - 10 of about 2,160,000 for impeach bush 2006. (Google)

That's pathetic. Is that supposed to prove that this is "why people elected Democrats?"

What a retarded person you are. You're really matching my expectation for the average "Bush lover," none of whom I know personally.

It worked out very poorly, since the war that Bush thought would take 6 months & $50 billion turned into the grandest clusterf**k of all time (who woulda thunk it? A war not going as predicted...what a shocker).

What a miserable human being you are. I have no doubt that you were one of those who were calling Democrats traitors at the beginning of the war, and now you are mockingly asking why they can't get us out of Bush's disaster easily?
And, yeah - they did vote for timelines to get us out, but Bush vetoed those bills, because as long as his dog Barney agrees with him, he's right, and he's the decider.
What I asked - in plain language - is why the Democrats haven't done what they promised...

Where did the promise to impeach Bush? You still haven't provided much on that. Was that in the Dem platform of 2006? Can you provide a quote from Pelosi or Reid or another Dem leader "promising impeachment"?
That's cute, BB - you finally learned how to edit other people's posts?

Maybe you could help disputable out...where are all of those quotes from Dem leaders in 2005-6 promising impeachment?
It worked out very poorly, since the war that Bush thought would take 6 months & $50 billion turned into the grandest clusterf**k of all time (who woulda thunk it? A war not going as predicted...what a shocker).

What a miserable human being you are. I have no doubt that you were one of those who were calling Democrats traitors at the beginning of the war, and now you are mockingly asking why they can't get us out of Bush's disaster easily?

See, this is why I usually don’t go here with these people. But we have had a cockroach infestation lately, and I got sucked in. It’s because deep down how I truly feel is, there are so many good, innocents dead, many who never really got to live…and these pieces of filth who sent them to their deaths over a politician are still alive. And in truth, I feel that it’s they who should be dead, and I am what you might call “bitter” about it. And it’s an ugly thing, and I don’t like to show it. Often.
See, this is why I usually don’t go here with these people. But we have had a cockroach Code Pink infestation lately, and I got sucked in. It’s because deep down how I truly feel is, there are so many good, innocents dead, many who never really got to live…and these pieces of filth who sent them to their deaths over a politician are still alive. And in truth, I feel that it’s they 'Code Pink' who should be dead, and I am what you might call “bitter” about it. And it’s an ugly thing, and I don’t like to show it. Often.

Just wondering

Do you feel bad about the way you used her (and her dead son) and then dumped her when she dared to ask when the Party was going to keep it's promises?