If Bush is so bad

Why hasn't he been impeached?

I don't think Bush is so bad. I think he is moderately bad. I would put him at a level 5. Moderately likely to re-offend. Right now as a yellow dog democrat and moderate republican I am torn between John McCain and Hillary Clinton. I like her pantsuits, but I like John McCain's moderation in all things. I am an "Undecided". What are you?
“The fraudulent basis on which the President got us into the war in Iraq; the obvious criminality of the warrantless wiretapping; indefinite detention in violation of the Constitution; torture as a part of indefinite detention and other ways; special rendition and torture, which is the outsourcing of torture... All of these violate various laws of the US, and they also violate his oath office which he swears to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, and he’s doing just the opposite, he’s undermining the Constitution and attempting to destroy certain parts of it,” Goodman said.

How anyone can think this is just moderately bad is beyond me.
“The fraudulent basis on which the President got us into the war in Iraq; the obvious criminality of the warrantless wiretapping; indefinite detention in violation of the Constitution; torture as a part of indefinite detention and other ways; special rendition and torture, which is the outsourcing of torture... All of these violate various laws of the US, and they also violate his oath office which he swears to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States, and he’s doing just the opposite, he’s undermining the Constitution and attempting to destroy certain parts of it,” Goodman said.

How anyone can think this is just moderately bad is beyond me.

That is because you are not a moderate. Most likely. If you were a moderate, you would have to see it as only moderately bad. I do not like extremes and that is why I am a yellow dog democrat moderate republican. No disrespect intended.

and.. what exactly is moderate about bush... I mean socially conservative and fiscally stupid does not a moderate make...
Unless you're a polygamist things seem to be just fine. How come you can't seem to find any grounds to impeach Bush? Haven't you wanted to since Jan. 21, 2001?

Nope just since he did a preemptive invasion of a soverign nation based on lies.
Then his official stance on torture, signing statements. The constitution is just a piece of paper, secret energy meetings and such, Plamegate,etc...

Yeah right Sadam was a bad guy, but lots of those in the world.
We have one as president right now.
I believe it is sad that Bush hasn't received more credit for keeping America safe since 9/11. To protect sources, most Americans will never know how many threats that have been neutralized in the past several years (maybe in 50 years).

Did he make the wrong case for going into and occupying Iraq? A valid WMD program wasn't found. He does deserve some criticism and he's had quite a dose.

I'm also disappointed in Bush's Energy Policy. It costs more than $100 to fill up my Dodge Truck now, and wages aren't going up to cover it. The problem started many Presidents ago, but it has gotten much worse on Bush's watch.

I do believe his greatest contribution to America during his term may be his selections for the Supreme Court. The Court was in crisis and now it has regained a healthy balance.

That McCain is almost even with Dems in the National Polls is amazing with Bush's approval rating being so low. Good for McCain, he is bringing a fractured party back together.
It is all congresses fault, but strangely enough Bush has how many vetoes ?
And how many of those since the dems gained a slim majority in congress ?
I didn't ask about approval ratings - and, since you mentioned it, he did enjoy the highest approval ratings ever recorded after 9/11, when you were scared of the terrorists.

I didn't ask about use of the veto.

I asked why the Jackass Party brayed about impeachment for six years and then couldn't do it...lack of evidence would be my guess.
I didn't ask about approval ratings - and, since you mentioned it, he did enjoy the highest approval ratings ever recorded after 9/11, when you were scared of the terrorists.

I didn't ask about use of the veto.

I asked why the Jackass Party brayed about impeachment for six years and then couldn't do it...lack of evidence would be my guess.
Anyone who paid attention in their American Government class knows that to impeach a president criminal charges must be part of the process. If lying to the public to push through a politician's policies were a criminal matter, we would have to put them ALL in jail. (And no, all those ready to leap on this, it does not matter the degree of consequences for those lies.) The vast majority of rhetoric about impeachment has come from ignorant democratic voters, not democratic politicians.

There are, of course, a number of other promises made the democratic party has not kept, nor made any serious attempt to keep. But again that is not unusual.

And regardless of the lack of performance by the democrats in power, it does not make Bush any less culpable for his screwups.
So you're saying the Democrats lied and can't do what they promised the left wing lunatic fringe because Bush committed no crime.

Cindy Sheehan reached slightly different conclusions, and the 'Crats turned on her.
Well her son is still dead.

So she's probably not doing as good as you are, for one thing. Your son isn't dead. You're not dead.

So you're doing better than Cindy Sheehan whose son is still dead. Does that make you feel good?

You don't get it darla. No amount of human suffering negates the value of an integrated world marketplace under the control of a centralized authority. Step into the now.:rolleyes:
Whether deserved or not, Impeachment will not happen. I do not believe President Bush deserves Impeachment and honestly, Bill Clinton shouldn't have been impeached over lying about sex. What a waste of resources and a black-eye for America.

The Impeachment Process completely takes over the focus of the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government. In short, we shut down the National Government to carry out a process almost surely destined to fail.

I prefer the process of "vote them in and vote them out". I helped re-elect Bush. Don't ask me to recite accomplishments of his second term. There aren't many. I still don't think very highly of John Kerry and without another choice, I wouldn't change my vote even if I could.

Americans still have a voice and we will know this November what they value most as well as what angers them.

I am sure there were many reasons, but regardless of why Dems were elected in 2006, they were elected. They were energized.

I have yet to see "energy" on our side. November is an eternity and Republican energy could be waiting like a fire denied air. The party energized on Election Day, will carry the day.

I have to admit that calling Bush the Republican Carter made me laugh, and then I had to give it thouht....
This could be the dumbest thread I've ever read during my time on JPP or politics.com. Congratulations retards.