If Christians are supposed to emulate Jesus, then does that makes MAGA the anti-Christ political party?

Despite the racist language, that's exactly what racist POSs like @CBHype fear so much they are shitting both on their keyboards and in their Depends every night.
I'm white and I'm proud. WHITE POWER.
Wait, haven't I heard during my life?
I'm black and I'm proud. Black power!
I guess roles are going to be reversed because Jew boy told me so.
I guess you missed the sarcasm....... duh.
Was copying what Biden said to blacks.
You took the bait like a rat taking cheese.
No, CB. Biden is demented.

Are you now claiming to have dementia too? It's okay if you are. It's not like it's a preventable disease. Does dementia run in your family or are you from a strain of low IQ humans? Too many first cousins marrying each other in your family tree, CB?

CB, which does your family tree more closely resemble, a Christmas tree or a Festivus Pole? It's okay if it's the latter, most MAGAt families have a lot of inbreeding.

Yeah, Douche Uncle missed that.
You're free to assume that, CB. Clearly you aren't very bright.
I'm white and I'm proud. WHITE POWER.
Wait, haven't I heard during my life?
I'm black and I'm proud. Black power!
I guess roles are going to be reversed because Jew boy told me so.
QED on the inbreeding. Too many recessive genes are why you aren't very bright, CB.

Has anyone in your family broken through the median income level or are most on welfare and working in bars cleaning up puke and piss?
MAGA is not a religion. But I didn’t have to tell you that. It is not a political party. It means Make America Great Again.
But you knew that.

Of course it's a religion. It's a political and cultural cult based on a corrupt, egotistical convicted felon's grandiose sense of self-importance and the amazing ability of MAGATs to not see that they are worshiping the Antichrist foretold in the Book of Revelation. The fact that you can't see this makes you one of them.
No, CB. Biden is demented.

Are you now claiming to have dementia too? It's okay if you are. It's not like it's a preventable disease. Does dementia run in your family or are you from a strain of low IQ humans? Too many first cousins marrying each other in your family tree, CB?

CB, which does your family tree more closely resemble, a Christmas tree or a Festivus Pole? It's okay if it's the latter, most MAGAt families have a lot of inbreeding.

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa .... Biden said that at a time when you were probably squarely behind him.
I'm sure others who were on this forum at that time could vouch for that statement.
You cuckoo lefties have no shame.
Of course it's a religion. It's a political and cultural cult based on a corrupt, egotistical convicted felon's grandiose sense of self-importance and the amazing ability of MAGATs to not see that they are worshiping the Antichrist foretold in the Book of Revelation. The fact that you can't see this makes you one of them.
You leftist Marxists made a felon of him with your banana republic lawfare.
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa .... Biden said that at a time when you were probably squarely behind him.
I'm sure others who were on this forum at that time could vouch for that statement.
You cuckoo lefties have no shame.
Again, CB, you're free to lie about me. I've never voted for a Democrat. Romney was my last Republican vote and I've voted a straight LP ticket ever since.

OTOH, due all the recessive genes in your family, this photo must be true:

Of course it's a religion. It's a political and cultural cult based on a corrupt, egotistical convicted felon's grandiose sense of self-importance and the amazing ability of MAGATs to not see that they are worshiping the Antichrist foretold in the Book of Revelation. The fact that you can't see this makes you one of them.
Agreed on cult. MAGA is a cult of personality with one messiah, their Orange Jesus. When he dies, it's unlikely there is anyone to replace him although MAGAt racism, misogyny and greed will struggle on for a few years after his passing.

The Cult of Trump​

President Trump has capitalized on this unhappiness, as well as the insecurity of whites about changes in demographics and status, to point the finger of blame: at everyone but the system of corruption (of greed and ego) with which he has manifestly been complicit, and which we, unfortunately, have not curbed. Media, Democrats, government, non-Christians, even military generals who disagree with him—all are at fault and thus the cause of his (and presumptuously, our, unhappiness). He has not called out excessive greed, hatred, or other antisocial elements of our culture and psyche (as other presidents have in varying degrees); in fact, he has demonstrably embodied those traits.

Maga isn't really a political party.
Trump and his trumpanzee MAGAts are useful idiots for the ruling class corporate oligarchy
of which Trump imagines himself not only a part but actually their leader.

MAGAts do nothing but cast uninformed votes on behalf of their own oppressors.

They're aggrieved over imagined slights,
terrorized at the thought of a darker complexioned America,
pathetically under-educated,
and totally without moral compass.

it's a bipartisan populist movement.

but the ruling class you speak wants kamala the globalist.

You leftist Marxists made a felon of him with your banana republic lawfare.

Right. We "Marxists" forced him, decades ago, to falsify his business records in order to commit fraud that he would one day be convicted of. We forced him to assault a woman none of us ever heard of in a public dressing room, again decades ago. We forced him to try to blackmail a foreign leader to find dirt on the current president. We forced him to instigate an insurrection with the intent of overturning an election he lost. We forced him to pressure a state's secretary of state to overturn that election by "finding" votes. We forced him to steal and retain classified materials.

You'd think that if we "Marxists" (a truly laughable sobriquet) were so powerful, we would have made sure that the Four Long Years of Sorrow -- and the 1,000,000+ dead Americans -- never happened to begin with.

As I said, the fact that you are blind to Trump's crimes and corruption makes you one of his Cultists. It makes you an enemy of America.
Note the stock phrases like a pull-string doll. Classic cultish behavior.

Exactly. He has no idea what my politics are other than "not #TRE45ON." So predictably, like most low-IQ, low-info MAGATs, he instantly lumps me into a group that scares him. Even though that group doesn't even exist anymore, it still makes him wet the bed.

You'd think a successful billionaire businessman could afford a better class of minions. :laugh:
Right. We "Marxists" forced him, decades ago, to falsify his business records in order to commit fraud that he would one day be convicted of. We forced him to assault a woman none of us ever heard of in a public dressing room, again decades ago. We forced him to try to blackmail a foreign leader to find dirt on the current president. We forced him to instigate an insurrection with the intent of overturning an election he lost. We forced him to pressure a state's secretary of state to overturn that election by "finding" votes. We forced him to steal and retain classified materials.

You'd think that if we "Marxists" (a truly laughable sobriquet) were so powerful, we would have made sure that the Four Long Years of Sorrow -- and the 1,000,000+ dead Americans -- never happened to begin with.

As I said, the fact that you are blind to Trump's crimes and corruption makes you one of his Cultists. It makes you an enemy of America.
They elevated a misdemeanor to a felony. Hillary really did what he was accused of doing. The woman he allegedly assaulted was totally made up. All bullshit and you are a purveyor of bullshit.
Exactly. He has no idea what my politics are other than "not #TRE45ON." So predictably, like most low-IQ, low-info MAGATs, he instantly lumps me into a group that scares him. Even though that group doesn't even exist anymore, it still makes him wet the bed.

You'd think a successful billionaire businessman could afford a better class of minions. :laugh:
Agreed on MAGAt predictability.

Trump is so cheap it's no wonder Mar-a-Lago is a dump. Notice how poorly his suits fit him.

For a billionaire, he should, literally, look like a million bucks. Instead, he looks like a used car or cheap suit salesman.
They elevated a misdemeanor to a felony. Hillary really did what he was accused of doing. The woman he allegedly assaulted was totally made up. All bullshit and you are a purveyor of bullshit.
They? Would that be the Jewish, colored, women globalist collective of marxists, socialists and fascists, CB?