If Christians are supposed to emulate Jesus, then does that makes MAGA the anti-Christ political party?

They believe they will answer to god one day. Good luck magats!
Most will be sucking Satan's cock in the 9th Circle of Hell with the other traitors. Are you a fan of Dante? :devilish:

Right. We "Marxists" forced him, decades ago, to falsify his business records in order to commit fraud that he would one day be convicted of. We forced him to assault a woman none of us ever heard of in a public dressing room, again decades ago. We forced him to try to blackmail a foreign leader to find dirt on the current president. We forced him to instigate an insurrection with the intent of overturning an election he lost. We forced him to pressure a state's secretary of state to overturn that election by "finding" votes. We forced him to steal and retain classified materials.

You'd think that if we "Marxists" (a truly laughable sobriquet) were so powerful, we would have made sure that the Four Long Years of Sorrow -- and the 1,000,000+ dead Americans -- never happened to begin with.

As I said, the fact that you are blind to Trump's crimes and corruption makes you one of his Cultists. It makes you an enemy of America.
this is why you're losing.

hallucinatory made up bullshit
You it it on the head Douch Uncle but forgot the rankest political party, the Democrats.
You should get together with Legina, swap fluids together and compare family trees. You could be related, CB. :thup:

OTOH, our resident Brazilian, @Goyboy, seems to have a very limited range of genetics too. He'd be a good friend for you too.
Right. We "Marxists" forced him, decades ago, to falsify his business records in order to commit fraud that he would one day be convicted of.
There were no falsified business records.
We forced him to assault a woman none of us ever heard of in a public dressing room, again decades ago.
Trump didn't assault anyone.
We forced him to try to blackmail a foreign leader to find dirt on the current president.
Never happened. You are hallucinating.
We forced him to instigate an insurrection
There was no insurrection.
with the intent of overturning an election he lost.
There was no election in 2020.
We forced him to pressure a state's secretary of state to overturn that election by "finding" votes.
There was no election in 2020.
We forced him to steal and retain classified materials.
You are describing Biden. Trump never stole anything.
You'd think that if we "Marxists" (a truly laughable sobriquet) were so powerful, we would have made sure that the Four Long Years of Sorrow -- and the 1,000,000+ dead Americans -- never happened to begin with.

As I said, the fact that you are blind to Trump's crimes and corruption makes you one of his Cultists. It makes you an enemy of America.
War mongering.
Exactly. He has no idea what my politics are other than "not #TRE45ON." So predictably, like most low-IQ, low-info MAGATs, he instantly lumps me into a group that scares him. Even though that group doesn't even exist anymore, it still makes him wet the bed.

You'd think a successful billionaire businessman could afford a better class of minions. :laugh:
Trump committed no act of treason. Biden and Kamala have committed four so far:

* Giving weapons and supplies to the enemy in time of war.
* Inviting invasion of the United States.
* Calling for civil war against citizens of the United States.
* Espionage.
you're the one posting snuff film gifs, fucking sicko.

good morning, asshole!
It's really sad that you don't know the difference between me posting memes and you associating with white supremacist militia members seeking to kill Americans in a "Turner Diary" fantasy.

You're crazy and violent enough to be a good patsy for them, Fredo. If you want to stay out of prison, much less stay alive, you should disassociate yourself from them and turn yourself into the FBI in Dallas as a witness. They'll give you help and witness protection.

Where would you like to live? Up north? I wouldn't recommend Phoenix or Albuquerque. Too fucking hot.
It's really sad that you don't know the difference between me posting memes and you associating with white supremacist militia members seeking to kill Americans in a "Turner Diary" fantasy.

You're crazy and violent enough to be a good patsy for them, Fredo. If you want to stay out of prison, much less stay alive, you should disassociate yourself from them and turn yourself into the FBI in Dallas as a witness. They'll give you help and witness protection.

Where would you like to live? Up north? I wouldn't recommend Phoenix or Albuquerque. Too fucking hot.
do it or stfu, little bitch boy.